Delurking the newbie


Really Big Member
Sep 26, 2002
The Great White North
Visit site
Hey, everyone. I've been looking around for a couple of days, and decided it was time to delurk myself, as it looks like a pretty cool bunch here.

I'm a long time Thrax fan, and looking forward to the new album!
as i may quote from my africanized "brothaz" at school, "word to the burbs",
and remember, keep it real g dawg and always holla back

you know just now i think of this joke a dude told about cops, they use big words with stupid words
"yeah we got a code 123 where we apprehended the deushbag and proceeded witht eh application of protection on his candyass and sent him to the penetentry and we proceeded to dunkin donuts for further ivestigation to this deushbags crime"

kind of but not exactly funny, litteral but not completely, dude .....................
Thraxfan69? How am i going to keep that straight with andythrax, jockthrax, mrthrax, phxthrax, thraxdude, and thraxhead1985? Woah... my head is spinning...

Welcome! :D