Playing Digital Music Through 4x12 Speaker Cab


Dec 29, 2005
So I recently moved into my new room and all I really have as far as speakers go is my Orange 4x12 Cab that I run my Laney VH100R through. I was wondering if it's possible to connect my MacBook to the Cab to play my iTunes songs and shit. If so, what kind of special cable would I need?
why would you want to do this? It would almost certainly sound awful. The macbook couldn't power the cab so you would have to run through an amp as well. I guess you could do this w/ a 1/8" stereo ---> 1/4" mono cable.....but again it will sound bad.
Not nearly enough power to move those could also damage the speakers and the laptop.
Very bad idea dude guitar speakers are designed for guitars frequencys music will sound lame and as already said there is a chance of damage to your gear get some laptop speakers if you stuck for cash
Yeah, figured it wouldn't be a great idea so I figured I'd ask some people more knowledgeable about the subject