playing motw songs

i play drums and i can play interlude 1, marid's gift of art, the first half of sleep is a curse, and #8 on my fruit psychobells.
I play in liters. Of beer, that is. Just ask Paul- once at the studio, I slapped him in the mouth for being a bitch.

Do you guys use click tracks in the studio? We never thought playing with a click track would work for us, with the tempo fluctuations, but it actually worked better. It frees you up to concentrate on the music's flow and not worry about staying on time so much.

Can't wait to hear the new stuff.
i got it.

you have to remember that greg is a little more confused than the rest of us. i.e.

I never learn to play songs by bands i love... ruins the magic. I play either my own songs, or songs by bands i think are 'ok', or songs by people i've never heard of (ie classical ones).

And i prefer to only learn songs that sound complete by themselves (on a single guitar). Otherwise it changes the song for me.