playing motw songs

I would be more delighted to see some of the maudlin/Kayo Dot composition books Toby was talking about later last year. The prospect of actually playing the songs correctly is mind blowing; well worth a pretty hefty price in my opinions.
Alright, I've got all of ONE guitar part from Sleep is a Curse figured out. I'm tabbing it right now and should be done by tomorrow. Since I'm tabbing it in PowerTab, I don't know how I'll post here. We'll see tomorrow.
So is Girl With a Watering Can actually in normal drop D? I don't know who's a band member and who isn't, so I'm not sure if Josh Seipp actually knows for sure. :P I'd like to try and tab this, but I'm not going to if I don't know the tuning for sure.
come to DC then, we're trying our best hah

also check out my solo project, it's very motW-like