playing motw songs

It's funny that this thread just popped back up; I was just taking a break from learning Birth Pains. Again: Dammit Toby and Greg!

The clean guitar parts are the hardest, and I think my tuning is a little off as well, creating mass confusion.
I'm looking forward to more tabs. That one was nice but the second solo from Birth Pains is pretty easy to make out (clean playing, on scale) without a tab. How about some of the more dissonant harmonised parts? And whole songs? The possibilities are endless! Greg should quit ("I quit!") Kayo Dot to focus on transcribing every single song he's played on.

Oh and I think I can play 'They Aren't All Beautifull' up to the third minute or so. And I can't play the harmonized parts because a) I haven't figured everything out and b) I have only two hands. It's also sort of strange that when I play it I feel compelled to murmur "I. will breathe. seawater. soon. " at the appropriate spot. I'm not compelled to murmur the rest of the lyrics, just that one bit. Then I lose all interest in figuring out the rest of the song and I go back to turning the distortion off and switching the delay on and playing faggy marillion songs.