Playlist for the upcoming NA tour.

Originally posted by Blodsörn

Allt the songs are great, but one more should fit - FRIENDS OF THE SUNCROSS

you said it man!!!!!! Friends of the Suncross for sure....
Great Playlist, but I think if you wanna get people mega pumped and destroying each other, play Metalwrath. That song is pure power in musical form.

Oh, and how do you have the playlist decided if you dont' even know the dates for sure?!?!

how can you guys think about touring without playing "A Fury Divine"!!!!
that by far is one of your most kick ass songs ever!
you should consider playing that instead of where the silent god's stand guard
heres few songs i think you should add one way or another
-thousand years of oppression
-across the rainbow bridge
-friends of the suncross
-god,his son, and holy whore
and of course
if you play a few of those it should enhance your show greatly!
If you do play "Thousand years of oppression" (hint, hint ;)), Patric and I will be the two big guys standing in the front row of the 2000 Decibel festival crying :p
fury divine


friends of the suncross!!

though i would be too grateful to see you guys perform live to care that much if those 2 songs made it in or not.
i wanna get some support on this...
i believe that Amon Amarth has to play Fury Divine live, just listen to the song and than think about how pissed off that would be if they play it live... the american audience is different, they want more brutal and fast paced stuff more than stuff like Where the silent gods stand guard... they should play fast action paced stuff that will create a pit off mass apocolyptic destruction!
somebody out there knows what im talking about....
You'll get partiall support from me. I agree with you on what the average american metal fan's taste is like, fast with no feeling/emotions to it. No ofense intendent, this is how it is. Why should Amon Amarth compromise and NOT play their best and most popular/favourite songs. I understand that they play in US but then again many people don't know of them (don't give a damn what they play) and those that do most likely pfefer other songs. BTW, most of those that run 100 mph (like chickens with no heads) in the pit don't even know what band is playing at the time. Ultimately Amon Amarth is playing for themselves and THEIR FANS and not to suite somebody's taste (at least I hope so).
Actually I'd prefer songs like WSGSG over songs like Fury Divine...not all americans are insane speedy death metal mongers who dont want melody :lol:
In the small assed venues we have in america, the more melodic and slow, the better... it all gets muddy when its too fast and brutal, Im hoping for songs from every album, I just hope Glen Benton cant sing and the rest of the bands extend their sets!!!
yeah i agree with the fact that not all americans want fast brutal stuff but for the most part they do... majority rules on this... and for me ,in my opinion, i think where the silent gods stand guard is one of the worst songs that AA has made, not that its a bad song i just think its not near as good as many of there other slow songs and for me if they play it that would probably ruin my nite if its not followed by Fury Divine.ive been waiting for a long time to see AA play (i couldnt make it last year cause it was way the fuck in ft.lauderdale, and im in orlando so...) and ever since i first herd FD ive been acting out and imagining how bad ass it would be to see them play it live.
and as for american venues sound... not all of them are realy small or muddy in sound, The State Theatre (st.petersburgh) i think has some of the best sound ive herd (depending whos playing). as long as they dont play the brass mug (which has good sound its just so frickin small, you can fit about 100 people in there it seems) they should sound realy good and enough room for most everyone. but anyway, i know theres someone whos gonna back me up on this, or if they dont put FD in there original play list they should atleast reherse it and keep it open if someone request it or something... alot of bands ive seen lately dont take request... cause it would be a great song to see live...
"i couldnt make it last year cause it was way the fuck in ft.lauderdale, and im in orlando so..." you could drive to Tampa, 50 minutes away. As far as Brass Mug that club is of perfect size for Amon Amarth and other bands of it's calliber. It also has some of the best sound system (I think) much better than that of State Theater. I learned to love small venues, Brass Mugs rocks, actually to think of it I don't like concerts with large crowds and big venues.

BTW, how are you getting to NJ Metal Fest, where will you be staying?
actualy im in ocoee so tampa/ brass mug is about 2 hrs away... which i dont mind that but ft.lauderdale is like 5 hrs or something i think... and brass mug is perfect for amon amarth yes... but your fogetting there playing with deicide (who played like crap when they were here not long ago, they all looked all bored and stuff when they were playing) so that means there will be a bigger turnout. so for that state theatre or masquerade would probably be better. but i still think they have to play fury divine... id be so pissed if they dont....
im not going to NJ metalfest, i wish i was though, i hear suffocation is reuiniting there!!
did brass mug ever fix there bathroom doors??? last time i was there(death fest i think, or was that Vader/Origin?? whichever was latest) i had to shit and like 20 people walked in on me! ha ha...
Sorry bud, the fuckin' door is still broken and I don't think it'll ever get fixed. Just hold it, maan. Yes, with Deicide they'll be playing at the State Theater moste likely on Friday or Saturday from what I heard. I would rather they played Bastards of a Lying Breed if I had to choose from The Crusher, it's a pretty fast as well. Didn't hear about Suffocation, it's not listed on