Please check out my EP! (Sneapster guest solos + re-amp)


Feb 20, 2005
Well dudes, at long last, my EP is finished, and I'd really appreciate it if you all would check it out! The band/project is called Apex Predator, and you can listen to the Undivided EP on myspace, or download it here: (note: if you downloaded it before ~8 PM EST on Thursday March 18th, then you probably don't have the most up-to-date mix, so I'd recommend re-downloading it to be sure!)

Basically, this past school year, me and my good friends Mike Bauder (guitars) and Sean Blaney (vocals) wanted to start a band, but couldn't find a steady drummer before Sean and I graduated in May '09. However, during that time we had written 4 songs that we wanted to immortalize; I wrote the majority of the music for them, but Bauder (as he's affectionately known) definitely had some essential contributions in terms of riff ideas and directions for certain sections of the songs to go in (except Abaddon, which I wrote around 2 years ago) that I never would have thought of, so he certainly deserves a fair share of the credit as well :headbang: And Sean wrote the lyrics for all of the tunes (except The Hedonist, which I made some minor contributions to, but hey, I fucking suck at writing lyrics, so I gotta give myself credit whenever I can get it :lol: ).

I recorded all the rhythm and lead guitar parts (except where noted below), as well as the bass (which was kindly re-amped by Ermzasaurus), and used Superior 2.0 for the drums (except for the kick, which is Slate 5+10). Here are pics of the amp setup and cab/mic'ing position, and the solos that weren't played by me are as follows:

The Hedonist - 2:53 - 3:03 - Mike Bauder

Abaddon - 3:01 - 3:13 - Kimon "Keregioz" Zeliotis

Architect of Fate - 2:59 - 3:12 - Felix Neumann

Honestly, I'm too goddamn tired right now to type anything else, if anyone has any questions just ask, but more importantly, I really hope you guys dig it, I couldn't have done it without all that I've learned here! :headbang::kickass:

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I personally feel the solos in each of the songs are among the best I've ever come up with, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be my Gothenberg-tribute harmony in "The Hedonist" :D

EDIT 2 THE RETURN OF EDIT: And of course, big thanks to Jarkko Mattheiszen for his awesome logo design! :headbang:
Great guitartone and playing Marcus!
The vocals are sick aswell, sounds like a blend of Chuck Billy (the lows) and Jesse Leach (the highs).
Listening right now: very cool tunes!
Really like this classic mesa tone, good settting and set up, and as Sickan said the vox is great too, low and high screams are well controlled.
Solo and melody a great too.
The mix seems too be great too, but can't really juge cause listening with headphones (dt770 pro). Maybe I would had some more lows/sub to the kick.
I'm downloading your ep for listening with a better quality than myspace.

Good work!!:headbang::kickass:
Ermz, I was listening to your myspace one more time (love to listen to your work) to compare your work on the lows, and F****! How do you manage this? Really, that's my main problem on my mixes, giving lows some consistency.
Do you put kick lower than bass or the other way?
it depend a lot of the tuning I know, I work with low B tuning, so around 61Hz, what should I do? Cutting around 61 Hz the bass, keep the kick below, or let the bass with a filter at 40Hz and make a hole (where?) to let the kick in the middle of the bass?
How do you work on the bass generally? Lot of editing/chopping? Autotuning? Add sub?
Sorry for the out topic, but I think both Metaltastic, other members and I would benefit from your help getting the lows right, even if metalstatic mix is actually better than mine! :)
Haven't listened all the way full, but the bass is definitely too low and there's a lot of work needed in the drum programming + vocal production dept.

The tunes are really cool and have a lot of potential, hope you work on these more and release them with something later.

Gtr tone is pretty fucking beastly, you need to get another Recto and start reamping asap! :lol:
That's some pretty cool riffing and great playing! Your solos are awesome too, although a bit short. The other two guest solos are great too! I feel like Felix's gets lost in the mix though, maybe try panning a little more towards the center?
+1 on the bass being too low.
Abaddon as in Abaddon the despoiler, warmaster captain of the black legion? :loco::lol:

cool stuff, vocals remind me Johan Hegg. In fact the whole thing makes me think, imagine if Amon Amarth had started in the 80s :p
Ermz, I was listening to your myspace one more time (love to listen to your work) to compare your work on the lows, and F****! How do you manage this? Really, that's my main problem on my mixes, giving lows some consistency.
Do you put kick lower than bass or the other way?
it depend a lot of the tuning I know, I work with low B tuning, so around 61Hz, what should I do? Cutting around 61 Hz the bass, keep the kick below, or let the bass with a filter at 40Hz and make a hole (where?) to let the kick in the middle of the bass?
How do you work on the bass generally? Lot of editing/chopping? Autotuning? Add sub?
Sorry for the out topic, but I think both Metaltastic, other members and I would benefit from your help getting the lows right, even if metalstatic mix is actually better than mine! :)

Having his Event Opals, a well treated room and a good set of ears is a start in the right direction:heh:
Okay so far I have listened to "Architect of fate", I really diggin this song! The rythm guitar is absolutely perfect, playing wise and sound wise. Your solo is totally win, but my solo is much too quiet :lol: (as far I can be objective enough about it).

You´ll get some more feedback in the next days, dude! Great work :)