Thanks a ton for the comments guys, I really appreciate it

Jorge, I'm glad you mentioned "Forever Bound" dude; I was afraid it might kinda fall under the radar since it doesn't have a guest solo, but it's definitely the most brutal of the tracks IMO (the bridge was Bauder's and my ode to the grooves of Decapitated

) As for the bass/sub-lows on the kick, yeah, the tr00f is I was just massively paranoid about them getting out of control, especially for people with consumer subs in untreated rooms, but I'll up 'em by a few dB and update the EP link later today, so hopefully those who have already downloaded won't mind doing so again

(and I'll also raise your solo Felix, sorry about that! It was mainly the panning made it difficult to judge levels, I'll probably bring 'em in a bit)
As for the drum programming, well, I'm not a drummer

But I tried to keep it varied enough to not immediately bludgeon one over the face with fakeness, and velocity randomization would've just been way too much of a pain in the ass

And the thing with the vocal production was that we used a Rode NT1-A (super bright mic) and unfortunately I made the mistake of underestimating the effects tracking between two close parallel walls would have, so the blame falls on me for that I'm afraid

Did the best I could to get rid of any ear-raping factors, but more importantly, I would say my main goal with the production of all of this was that it wouldn't hamper people's enjoyment of the music, which is really what it's all about!