So I'm now the second Sneapster...

Dang, even came with the castors! Good job!!

Haha, yeah, at first he dragged it out of the storage locker and I was like :erk:, and then he dug the casters out of a plastic bag and I was like :danceboy: :lol:

Nice score on the cab. I was messing with my coworker's cab the other day and damn those things weigh a ton.

You are not kidding :ill: It's not only the weight, though, but the fact that it's like an inch wider than my Stiletto cab, which means the upper corners dig into my...inner elbows (?) quite painfully when I'm carrying it - now more than ever I'm so happy I have my 2x12 for live playing! (though I'll bring out the Recto cab for special occasions, of course :rock: )
Pretty trusting of him to let you drive him around.

Especially in lower Manhattan! Fortunately though, since I grew up in NYC, I'm well-acquainted with its hazards (TONS of one-way streets, maniac cabbies, no right-on-red ANYWHERE, etc.)
Oh, a Rammcab... Rammslant specifically. Very nice score duder, congrats!

I think Richy has been living in NYC for some time now... IIRC his solo album thingy (which sucked pretty hard, sorry Z.) was heavily inspired from this move. Hmm...
wow thats a killer story there!

Wish i could have met him he's one of my fav players ever :rock:

Cant wait to hear what this demon will cook up tho! Must say Marcus you've totaly swayed my opinion of the rectos and all...I just need to pick up the cash to afford one but it's deffo right at the very top of my gear list :heh::heh:
It's times like this I wish I lived in New York. heh

Congrats! I haven't had the pleasure of hearing a dual rec through an OS cab in person, but I can imagine the awesomeness!
HAYYY, how come your RammCab thread got more views than mine :goggly:

So I suppose both of us have very similar rigs now :lol:...

EMG Equipped Guitar->TS 7->2 Channel Dual-> RammCab

Mine's a straight, as you know though :kickass:

Also, on the mention of Guitar Rig 3 replacing shit. Richard told me he used the cab I owned on their upcoming album, which is pretty wicked. I'm sure the one you own is was as well. I'm glad you finally sold your Stiletto cab (and saved my ass from getting one).

Talking about GAS, just got an RME Fireface 800 today. Now all I need is an 8 channel pre with ADAT.