Thanks man! Truth be told though, I didn't really do much in the way of crazy surgery for one to sit with another and stuff; the bass was 100% Ermz' re-amped grit track (no DI), which was nicely cleaned up in the low-end (not sure what all he did, come to think of it - Ermz, info plz?

), though I did cut at around 500 Hz and 1k, as well as at around 3k to slightly ease the pick attack noise, and a bit of multi-band compression set to constantly take off maybe 2 dB in the 100-300 Hz mud range.
Guitars just had tiny dips (between .5-1 dB) at 400, 700, and 2.5k and were hi-passed at 60 Hz (and multi-band compression, also at 100-300 Hz, though set Sneap-style to only kick in on the whoomp on the palm mutes, taking off around 4 dB as I recall), and for the kick, just a boost around 4.5 k for some clickity-click, and some pretty heavy multi-band compression again at 100-300 Hz, constantly taking off I think like 5 dB (those Slate kicks are pretty massively boomy), and also maybe taking off 1-2dB from 100Hz downward; personally, I really like multi-band compression for controlling the low-end, rather than eq'ing, just cuz I find it easier to control large bands while still having pretty sharp cutoffs at either end! (e.g., taming the 100-300 range without affecting the sub-lows)