Nothing off about his delivery. The main thing for me would just be layers/width. Check what Plec/Christian did on Miseration's 'Dreamdecipher' for a cool example.
Thanks Ryan, though I think I'm gonna chalk that up to stylistic differences (vocal-wise), cuz I personally think his flows are about as badass as it gets("I AM THE OLD UNDYING, THE GIVER OF DEATH AND THE TAKER OF LIFE"
EDIT: However, if you only listened to "The Hedonist", then I guess I can see where you're coming from with the verses, but I still dig 'em, and the chorus I think he did a great job with as wellDon't forget there are 3 more songs though
Those are lyrics not flows hahacuz I personally think his flows are about as badass as it gets("I AM THE OLD UNDYING, THE GIVER OF DEATH AND THE TAKER OF LIFE"
I don't know what you mean by flows? I'll try better next time.
The vocals are so great, I seriously don´t understand where the fuck is your problem.
holy shit dude, where did that come from.
sorry for voicing an OPINION
just diffrent rythms really. its kinda hard to explain over teh interwebz. but like i said its all taste and opinion
sorry for voicing mine
but like i said its all taste and opinion