Please check out my EP! (Sneapster guest solos + re-amp)

Oh yeah, I definitely hear ya on that - the truth is, I had canned all the excess vocal takes by the time it came to mixing, so I couldn't add any layers that weren't already there (and most were in the second two songs); however, for the final mix I actually did pan all of those that were there to the sides!
I listened to this stuff on my mp3 player at the gym today and in my car on the way there. It totally slays. This is great great stuff. I love these songs. The vocals rule too. I don't notice any shortcomings in the drums when I am blasting full bore.

I demand that marcus makes a full length cd.....right now!
Thanks Ryan, though I think I'm gonna chalk that up to stylistic differences (vocal-wise), cuz I personally think his flows are about as badass as it gets :) ("I AM THE OLD UNDYING, THE GIVER OF DEATH AND THE TAKER OF LIFE" :rock: )

EDIT: However, if you only listened to "The Hedonist", then I guess I can see where you're coming from with the verses, but I still dig 'em, and the chorus I think he did a great job with as well :rock: Don't forget there are 3 more songs though :D

he did a good job for sure. but there needs to be more lyrics and LESS flows where the vocalist follows the guitars. thats my number one issue with metal vocals, the vocals always follow the guitars. instead of making their own rythms. the lyrics are delivery is sick though

cuz I personally think his flows are about as badass as it gets :) ("I AM THE OLD UNDYING, THE GIVER OF DEATH AND THE TAKER OF LIFE"
Those are lyrics not flows haha
Yes, but I was referring to the fact that the "flow" (whatever that even means, I'm gonna assume "rhythm" :D) he did on that particular line is fucking awesome IMO (triplets ftw :rock: )
just diffrent rythms really. its kinda hard to explain over teh interwebz. but like i said its all taste and opinion

sorry for voicing mine
Catharsis: I understand what you mean, and you're entitled to having your own opinion and taste. I won't hate on you and I just hope you enjoyed the music.
I did man it was sooooo goood! i love your voice, its so fucking sick, and the lyrics are great too and the riffs

oh man the riffs -faps-
i am liznen now finally. shit is SICK
marcus you da riffmeister sir. :D

architect of fate is fucking aaaaaawesome
i am digging the fuck out of that lead