Please check out my EP! (Sneapster guest solos + re-amp)

Thanks for the offer man, but what can I say, I'm too attached to these beats to let 'em go - hopefully you can find a way to live with 'em :D And on that note, the updated mix is finished; here's a link to download the EP, and I updated the OP with it as well (and the myspace tunes too), hopefully you guys will find it's had its balls drop :lol::rock: (and I did try to vary the cymbal velocities a bit, fuck yeah auto-humanize function :D) Thanks again for the feedback and compliments guys, especially on the music, it really means the world to me :)
Okay and I hear, it sounds very, very good :) Your re-amped rythm sound is the shit!! There is so much win in this and so much elements I honestly dig, I dunno where to start lickin your ass, buddy. Thanks for letting me contribute and giving us this wonderful EP as a gift.
My pleasure man, and goddamn do you know how to give a compliment :lol::rock: All I care is that people listen to and (hopefully) enjoy it! :)
Haha fuck man, I know how much effort and attention to detail was been needed to finish this. Don´t let you spoil the soup of some goddamn bean counters here (the sneap forum is full of ´em haha) I don´t find ANYTHING what could prevent an listening pleasure..seriously! The only thing you could aim for the next EP (or hopefully album) using a human being and a miced acoustic drumkit.

AND...I just listen to "Architect of Fate", I´m absolutely satisfied with the volume and pan level for my solo now :kickass:

Edit: 3:28 :notworthy
I think the bass is still a bit low. ;) I remember you posting a WIP-version of Abaddon where the bass was much more in your face, especially noticeable at the beginning (almost sounded like Hatebreed :lol:) and I really liked that. I probably would have automated the bass to be higher at these parts, making sure it won't get out of hand overall.

Yes, some of that drum programming is a bit unconventional, but I don't think it makes or breaks the overall impression, since it's so riff and melody driven. It's a bit like the latest Megadeth... but with better songs. :lol:

It's cool to hear something like this on this board. No pseudo-tech, djent, xyz-core... and a singer who has some balls!

The Hedonist is my favourite so far. Cool arrangement with that break, nice catchy refrain!

And :lol: at the end of Architect! The 'verb of doom!
Fucking Awesome guys!! I love everything about it, Marcus. The Song writing, Production and playing is top notch. You should be super fucking proud!!

To also say it again so EVERYONE understands.... "da shitz Brewtal". :lol:

Again dude... :rock::rock::rock:
Thanks a million guys! And I hate to say it, but I made one more mix revision (dropped the vox slightly in "Abaddon"), so NOW the final download link is up (still the same link in the OP and post 104), and, well, yeah, I guess you'll wanna download that one to replace the last one (or two) - my bad, but this time for reals, third time's the charm :D And Dave, yeah, the bass was a tricky one, though I felt like it was the main reason everyone hated that Abaddon mix I posted awhile ago, so I was...cautious this time around (and was A/B'ing mixes that admittedly have it pretty low as well - oh well, not like there's a bassist to offend :D)
Marcus you are one popular guy on this forum. Just let everyone know I'm the guy that has said "balls." Screaming was fun on this album.
Cool stuff. It's an improvement over the last version for sure.

EDIT: man I can hear moments in 'Forever Bound' where that bass clang just wants to come up. I think if you were to just go back to filtering the rhythm guitars more severely and then bump the bass, you'd have a cooler and fatter low-end presence! Might be a personal preference (or bias? having reamped it, haha) thing, but in this kind of music having the bass really holding down the lows and clanging away is vital for the perceived fatness!

Also, had you by chance considered cutting the drum intro to 'Forever Bound' in half?

EDIT 2: I fucking love these riffs!
Personally I don't really buy "x note is your fundamental, hence you must high pass at x frequency".
Plenty of times I've high passed stuff tuned to C at 100HZ or even higher and it sounds fine because the bass guitar is there to do the work, and I'd go so far to say even better than had I cut it off just below the fundamental frequency
Thanks Damian! :) And Ermz, yeah, I did do some cutting to the guitars (400, 700, 1k, 2.5k, though only between .5-1 dB for each), but you're right, I must admit I did put my bias towards them :D (and also, I was A/B'ing your favorite mix, "The Last Kind Words", as my main reference :D) And the drum intro, well, I dunno, I have this obsession with 8-bar phrases :D

Just let everyone know I'm the guy that has said "balls." Screaming was fun on this album.

Yes Sean, I think most people figured that out by now :lol: And you were in top form as always dude!


Rufus approves