Personally I don't really buy "x note is your fundamental, hence you must high pass at x frequency".
Plenty of times I've high passed stuff tuned to C at 100HZ or even higher and it sounds fine because the bass guitar is there to do the work, and I'd go so far to say even better than had I cut it off just below the fundamental frequency
It's not like I make this shit up - there's some logic behind it. There's stuff going on below 100hz that adds weight and heft to the tone, but also mud. Sure, the bulk of the signal isn't down there, but you end up missing out a lot of low end character that can add power and help to blend with the bass/kick, as well as just move air and punch a bit more. With a well played, amp'd, and mic'd track like Marcus has, cutting off above 100hz is just insulting the tone/playing.
I'd love to hear an example of something you've done with a highpass above 100 that still has balls and power? In fact, I'd love to hear an example of something you've done, period?
FWIW, Andy's always recommended highpassing at 60hz - a low B hits at 62hz.
that's one of the mixes i use as reverence - Drones.mp3 << Highpass anywhere from 130 to 150hz. Can't remember exactly.
Just gave the remix a spin. Honestly (because you also always give it to me straight) I still think it could use some more bottom end. I'd love to hear that bass guitar be a little more prominent. But that's it. My only thing to nit pick at.
This music is just so awesomely awesome that I can only think of the word "awesome".
The writing/song structure is great. The riffing is interesting. The solos (yours and everyone's) are fantastic (LOVE your solo on Abaddon). The vocals work so great with the songs. This is a really well done project and should garner some more attention.