Please check out my EP! (Sneapster guest solos + re-amp)

In fact, fuck it, I'm doing this all myself - nothing personal Ermz, and I really appreciate the offer, but now my pride is on the line :D (and I've been drinking :lol: )
Oh my god Marcus, really? Your pride is on the line? I'll bet 90% of the people who hear the EP won't be able to tell the difference between mixes. I've been listening to it in my car all day and it sounds AWESOME. So stop drinking and just tell people to you know, buzz off.
Only myspacing it but really liking the sound. Cool tunes and great guitars, solos (soli?) totally epic. Looking forward to the re-release so I can listen to it in the car to and from work!
In fact, fuck it, I'm doing this all myself - nothing personal Ermz, and I really appreciate the offer, but now my pride is on the line :D (and I've been drinking :lol: )

I think, this is pretty okay. We also did this shameless risk with the Gunslinger´s Ka (after I asked Lasse). Imo complete intricately collaborations can gladly shown and presented on the main forum. Marcus deserves all honour.
Listening to the myspace tracks...:rock:

Congrats Marcus it is awesome! Great riffing and solos.
Please post the link to download it instead of listening to the myspace samples.

One thing, soloed drums in Forever Bound need some revision, and bass could be louder.
Whenever I hear these tracks, I think about how often I hope to mix stuff of this caliber. Not necessarily these raw tracks, but the music itself. Definitely a lot of potential if you develop this into a gigging, full-record recording act.

@findingthesound: PM'd you so we don't derail the thread.
would be interesting to hear an Ermin-mix of one song imo ;)

haha i always say "soli" because it's an italian word -> one solo, two soli, ya see?
been together for six years with an italian girl....i painfully learned to say it "right" ;)
Haha, yeah man, it of course makes sense, but I feel like the only native English-speakers who would say it would be classical nerds or neo-classical nerds (even worse :lol: )

And yeah, to elaborate with a bit more maturity, all I meant was I've already worked so hard on the production of this, so I just kinda want to make it the best I can myself :) And thanks again for the props Ermz, much appreciated :rock: Remix and dl link due in a matter of hours! (and again, I seriously didn't mean for this to be a big "Rate my Mix" thread, so sorry about that :lol: )
it's the same with german i guess....most people always say solos....but as long as i dont feel the need to correct them i'm staying out of the nerd-zone....hopefully :lol:
Make sure to get that bass filth up there in the center! Seriously, if you have to just isolate 1k on the C4 (or equivalent multiband) and boost the crap out of it! One of the coolest things about dirty vocals like your man there has is that they can interact amazingly with bass grit. Also you will find that once the grit is up there you can scoop the guitars, have air for the vox and drums, and at the same time the bass grit is holding down the missing mids, and featuring as an element in its own right in the mix, rather than an afterthought :rock:
I could only listen to two songs at work before the companies nazi web blocking shut me down, but I could already tell this is freaking super cool.

Like said before this music sounds like taking elements of every metal band that is cool and mixing it up into one band.

Marcus you should hire a session drummer to play on this and then it will be as good or better than any cd I bought last year.
been listening to it for a day now and i love it, id agree on the lowend just a few dbs and not much more, the drums could use a little work but hey it works. so i can't wait to hear the remix :kickass:
In addition to remixing, I think you need to go back through and rethink a lot of drum parts, particularly cymbal parts. There's stuff in here I keep hearing that no drummer would ever play, regardless of it sounding cool (Alternating cymbal hits left/right on each 8th note, certain sides being played instead of other, one song where the main beat is just a kick and snare with no cymbals for a lot of it).

As far as the HPF comment... 100hz??? If you're tuned to C, your low strings fundamental is at 65hz... at 100, you're chopping all its balls off!