Please help me with my own Band

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
we started recording a demo EP august 2010...and are about to finish the recordings for those 4 songs..I know, pretty lame, huh?

yeah, the joys of being self'll never have time for your own shit.
anyways, I know, the recording isn't perfect, due to the fact that I never had time to record properly, always had to squeeze bits in here and there whenever I had an hour I could shave off some other stuff.
natuarlly with less than perfectly recorded stuff of the own band that you've been working on on and off I have fuck all objectivity and am basically deaf to this shit....

unfortunately I don't have the time to crack out a full blown killer mix, but I don't want this to sound shite either, so your help would be appreciated.

lend me your ears but try to not be utter cunts, I don't have much time to finish this, I know it won't sound like the next Sneap mix :D

feel free to "like" us on facebook :D
hats and cymbals sound awesome (seriously) it was the first thing i though

i think the kick is too clicky (or maybe it lacks low end punch)

the lead guitar could be a little bit louder

and (as personal preference) i don't think that snare really fits the mix ESPECIALLY on the blastbeats

but this are just nitpicks

in general is a really good mix :kickass:
Love the guitars
in generall it sounds quite raw tho...vocals are quite dry, kick could be bigger, sounds very small...snare is somewhat muffled with a lot of room/overhead sound I think
bass sticks out too much at some parts imo (the intro riff for example)
lead guitars could really be a tad louder

but the song is cool and it doesnt sound like a rushed recording session to me!

some clipping/crackling at 3:50 I think
yeah, am actually going for a clicky kick..have now added 2 dB at 80HZ though.
I'm actually quite digging the snare, don't mind a bit of rawness either....
I've lowered tha bass a notch and raised the solo and backing vox a tad.

yeah, loads of crackling when that tapping bit comes in, gonna fix that once I've settled for a final mix,


EDIT: update will be up in about 15 mins
There's something lacking on vox for me on the verse parts.

I agree on the snare, I like its rawness, and it sounds good like that. Don't like the kick that clicky but that's totally subjective and you made your choice about it ! I do agree still on the fact that the snare could sound better during the blastbeats.

I confirm clipping in the end before 4mn !

The chorus sounds already quite nice to me, overall it's well balanced.

Anyway good song, and I noticed the cover added in the mp3, what's that tank ? :)
sounds very good to me, cool track also!
guitars sound a bit "close" and present to me, they dominate the mix.
not a bad thing though :D


There a frequency in the high mids of the guitars that sounds really out of place because it seems to be lacking in almost every instrument in the mix; I'd say lower 4.8khz relatively wide q and perhaps 1dB. I'd also check out around 3.6khz. I threw it in the daw and tinkered a bit.

Drums are beastly.

How about a little more bass grind?

Loving what I'm hearing so far.
i like this better than a lot of your work for other people. because it sounds like a unit.
and that is the advantage of being the guy who does most of the work on his own ;)

es hat stil, sozusagen......
Thanks everyone.
yeah, I agree on the 4.5k-ish thing.
I'm a bit at war with the bass, I wanted a piano like bass tone, and actually got it, but unfortunately it only sounds good solo'd , I agree, in the mix it neds more grind...but I'm hesitant to mix it in, cause solo'd the bass sounded so nice, lol..I know, I gotta do it for the mix.

The "problem" with the blasts is, that the snare just isn't being hit as hard as in the slower bits...I think everyone is just completely used to everything being replaced with the hardest hits in metal...I tried to keep more of the original snare, and he just didn't hit as hard in the blasts.

I agree with with 26 that is sounds more like a "unit" than some other stuff, but that's just because I insist on everyone knowing exactly what to play etc before we even start recording, the songs have got to be written in the rehearsal space, not the studio....often enough that's not the case.

There's zero AT on the vocals, no need to, he gets every nore perfectly without any tuning...and if not I'll keep recording until he does, I'm very anal about that.

I'll fix the 4.5k guitar thing and the bass grind the next time I'll find a minute...yes, the file is clipping in the last section, gonna fix that once the mix is where I want it to be

LaSedna: what so you mean by "cover added"?

thanks everyone for your ears!
IMO the ride is too quiet (other cymbals sound awesome, although I often have this complaint so it might just be personal preference), the snare is maybe a bit too loud in the blastbeats, the background things (choir sounds of some sort? lead guitar or synth or something?) need to be louder, unless it's just me hearing things (don't mean the guitar solo, although that too could be just a little louder, it's ok at the moment though). The synth(?) after the guitar solo is cool too. Maybe add a little high end to the vocals?

Anyway, it's good as it is. I mean, if you'd put it out like it is now (minus the crackling/clipping/whatever) it would be good enough :)
Update is up!

pakachu: thanks for the offer, I appreciate that, but I'm too anal and go back and forth and will probably be changing bits here and there over and over again, so an outside mastering is not really practical
LaSedna: what so you mean by "cover added"?
Maybe it's not the right term, this :


ah, but isn't that something YOU put there? I've definitely not attached a picture of any sort to the mp3
Well I don't know, I've never seen that picture and I don't know where it could be from, and if I play any other mp3 from the same /download folder that I got from here, it will be empty !

Your updated mp3 includes your

--:: LSD ::--
Lasse Lammert

logo, though. Strange !
The "problem" with the blasts is, that the snare just isn't being hit as hard as in the slower bits...I think everyone is just completely used to everything being replaced with the hardest hits in metal...I tried to keep more of the original snare, and he just didn't hit as hard in the blasts.

I think it's an issue of volume (not perceived 'hardness' of the hit but actual volume) and it being too heavily quantized. It's a natural sound but everything is so on-the-grid that it sounds weird

Cymbals sound good as others have mentioned but there seems to be some big differences in distance from the mics? Some cymbals seem REALLY upfront and out of the mix (one on the right in particular) while otehrs are pushed way back. Maybe mic'd too close? Or just a very dynamic drummer, I don't know.

Anything else I'd be just repeating others.
bass sticks out too much at some parts imo (the intro riff for example)

:OMG: Did you really just say that? Marco "MOAR BASS" Cudan?

Other than that, I really can't find much to complain about except the snare ... I like the snare sound a lot and feel it fits the music great but it seems to lack some thump or maybe just needs a tiny bit of extra body to it. Maybe a small bump around 150 - 195 somewhere on it?

Other than that sounds killer:headbang: