Please make another record like The Odyssey

Yeah, a lot of "hardcore fans" will always whine about anything a band does if it includes even the slightest deviation from the so-called classic sound of the band. It boggles the mind that this trend is present even among prog fans.

Oh, it's this argument again.
Bands experiment and evolve with their sound, if you dont like that fact...go listen to Iron Maiden.

I dont really like if band tries to do similar record what they have already done. Change of direction wouldnt be bad at this point though. But like Ken said, they will surely stick with the current style for awhile.
Doesn't boggle my mind. "Prog" =/= progressive/experimental. It's a genre, and genres come with expectations, motifs, and staples. People who are fans of a genre will cry foul when its borders have been breached.

That said, while the change in direction is expected and rational, I don't have to like it. I would only go so far as to say that a return to Odyssey-style music would be an improvement vector. It isn't, in my opinion, the only or the most potent improvement vector. A new direction, experimental, progressive - would really transport the band to currency.

I'm not impressed with the modern metal sound of the last two albums as it feels too cliche, too safe, and too unoriginal, however well executed.

I don't think I have ever agreed with you more than right here.
My previous post wasn't directed at any person or group in particular and I'm certainly not aiming to re-hash any past arguments. That post wasn't even really about Symphony X, but about how annoying and narrow-minded the fans of a band or a genre can get. As for the second sentence of that post, at one point I came to expect more of prog fans but later realized my faith was misplaced.

And for the record, while I don't support the idea of Symphony X retreading paths they already crossed, I'd definitely welcome a shift away from the current sound of the band for the next album.
For the next album:

Sticking with the current direction < Revisiting the past < Doing something new

Just my opinion.
Sticking with the current direction < Doing something new (more metal) < Revisiting the past < Doing something new (less metal)

My opinion.
Firing Pinella, Rullo and LePond < Quitting < Sticking with the current direction < Doing something new (more metal) < Revisiting the past < Doing something new (less metal)
The more I think about it, I realize that The Odyssey is probably the band's most well-rounded album. Every song on there is unique - none of them sound like any other song from the same album. Songs like Incantations and The Turning may be clear filler, but they still fit this description. You don't have this kind of diversity on the lastest two albums.
Meh, I just listen to Accolade II + Awakenings + The Odyssey when I put on that album.

V's obviously way more diverse than the Odyssey - not sure how someone could think otherwise (at least 5 songs on the Odyssey run together).
V hardly has a single truly heavy sounding song though.

I can safely say that I do not care. The opening riff of Evolution is my idea of heavy. I can do without the chuggity chuggy rawr rawr crap

The Odyssey's heaviness gets old fast. I'm surprised no one complains about the obvious nu metal influences in Inferno, for example. I mean, it's an okay song and everything, but it's pretty undeniable. I don't really listen to the regular songs on the album anymore, but V always gets me to go all the way through.
The Odyssey probably is the most diverse but that also makes it a bit hit and miss - I could take 4 songs from it (5 including Frontiers) and leave the rest without missing too much. V, Paradise Lost and Iconoclast are all less varied (especially the last one) but much more consistent imo - I couldn't drop more than maybe a couple of songs from each.

I always thought V was mostly pretty heavy too, apart from Communion And The Oracle and the interludes. Even Rediscovery is heavy for a large part of it.
V runs like one epic movie. IC and PL are like watching different episodes of one show. The Odyssey is more like watching different episodes of different shows within one genre.

I think it's good to have an album like that every once in a while. In fact the next one should probably be like that, with one epic at the end. :kickass:
I'm surprised no one complains about the obvious nu metal influences in Inferno, for example. I mean, it's an okay song and everything, but it's pretty undeniable.

It's only the verse riff, and until you mentioned it I never even thought it was influenced by nu-metal. I still don't, although I can understand why you could make a case for it.
I used to dig Inferno, and I still think it's good, but I usually skip it because I've listened to it so many times, and in my mind I always think I can just come back for it later. The Odyssey song is good too, but I don't like the second half as much as the first, and I usually just skip the rest. I mainly listen to Awakenings, the Masquerade re-recording, and sometimes Frontiers.
Becoming more like Megadeth is not creative, risky, or cool. If Symphony X wants to impress they need to make some Beethoven like albums. Not be like Dream Theater, and put some stuff in their that twists the mind backwards and makes you say Fuck! What was that!