Please, Please, Please ... More Moontower !!

Dec 16, 2002
Dear Dan,

I read the faq before asking too many question about the potential for a Moontower II release. I found the following.

**Question: Will there be a Moontower II?

Answer: No, it was a unique album.**

Now all I can do is just plead with you to reconsider. I'm not sure it needs to be Moontower II exactly, but something in that vein ... something like Nightingale with growly vox perhaps. I love my Nightingale, but there is something magical about Moontower .. something that seems to need further exploration in the future.

I think it would go over very well with people these days. Lots of fans of Prog and Power type metal have slowly come to appreciate growly vox over the years as it's become more common. A lot of fans that weren't so accepting then would be today. This time I think there would be more of a market for that type of disc.

The little touches of growls on the new Threshold album seem to be a hit, and people are just more accepting of that vocal style in general. I think the problem with Moontower when it came out was that it was ahead of it's time. That's a great legacy for that disc, but I think a new Moontower type effort would be met with more financial reward than the original. Something to consider perhaps.

Thanks for all the enjoyment over the years .. looking forward to the new Nightingale.

I don't know how often Dan changed his mind regarding bands and projects :)
The only constant is "never say never"
Maybe he feels like writing another in a few years.
I am not completely a stranger to revisit that concept. I´d like to see a re-release of Moontower first....It´s a sadly underrated and undersold (is that a word??) album.
Dan Swanö;6038986 said:
I am not completely a stranger to revisit that concept. I´d like to see a re-release of Moontower first....It´s a sadly underrated and undersold (is that a word??) album.

Would it be remastered? You could probably re-release it with a couple of extra tracks, and considering it's a classic it would probably do better overall.
maybe, but it wouldn't really be a moontower song that way ;)

i LOVE moontower. it's one of the best albums ever, and defintely my favourite dan-record. as far as im concerned, it doesn't need a remaster. althought if it sounded "better" it would be cool. but honestly i think dan did a GREAT job on the production, i REALLY like the drum sounds and the way how you can hear every instrument (even bass!) so forcefully in the mix. i love it.

moontower II would be cool if it were great... let's leave it to dan :)

by the way dan, on your old homepage you wrote about the Soft part from moontower. "I see you standing at the tower". Will it end up in Second Sky after all? :p
Dan Swanö;6038986 said:
I am not completely a stranger to revisit that concept. I´d like to see a re-release of Moontower first....It´s a sadly underrated and undersold (is that a word??) album.

you are soooo right! People need to hear it!
Dan Swanö;6038986 said:
I am not completely a stranger to revisit that concept. I´d like to see a re-release of Moontower first....It´s a sadly underrated and undersold (is that a word??) album.

yeah, I think the same thing, that album is amazing.

I would REbuy the album if it comes with some bonus tracks or a remix or a remastering going on.

cheers everyone!
Dan Swanö;6038986 said:
I am not completely a stranger to revisit that concept. I´d like to see a re-release of Moontower first....It´s a sadly underrated and undersold (is that a word??) album.
Excellent .. there is hope then !! I do think that an album in that vein would be met with much greater acclaim, and financial success this time around. I'd sure buy a remastered Moontower release as well. I think the original sounds fine, but I'm sure technology has advanced a bit since then.

Thanks for the reply, Dan !!

I personally don't see how can you tweak Moontower to sound any better than it already is...but if there's a rerelease, might as well make it a 5.1 version of the album.

as much as i like the eos version of uncreation i think adding it to the rerelease would be a would spoil the special feel the original album is giving.