Check out the following:
Dreams Of Sanity (especially their debut "Komödia")
Soulslide (featuring former Dreams Of Sanity-vocalist Sandra Schleret, you can download one song - "The Dreamer" - from their official website ; you find it under "stuff" and "files")
The Third And The Mortal (maybe their first two releases "Sorrow" and "Tears Laid In Earth" might appeal the most to you; for more info go to their official website - there are also a few soundsamples, unfortunately only about 30 seconds each, and a full-length video of their song "Magma" which you can download)
The Gathering (you might prefer their albums "Mandylion" and "Nighttime Birds" to their latest albums; )
Atrox (some of their songs might be too weird for you - they definitely sound very different from Nightwish -, but to find out for yourself, just go to ; you can also download some of their songs in mp3-format from the samples section there)
Finally, you should visit this website:
I guess there you´ll find nearly anything you´re looking for - music-wise.