Please recommend me music.

Some years ago, all the anacrusis material was available for download on their website, inclusive screams and whispers, manic impression (remixed and remastered), etc. The rerecording of suffering hour and reason are excellent too ("hindsight" double CD).

Sure, but they are also at a relatively low quality. Good if you want to hear all of the songs that aren't on Youtube, but not so good if you actually care about what you're listening to. I haven't been able to listen to 128 - 192kbps MP3s for about seven or eight years now.


Honestly, I'm just listening to the same-old. Nothing you guys don't know yet, I s'pose.

I actually saw Anacrusis live two years ago. Don't know what happened, but the set wasn't very impressive, and the vox/guitarist just stomped off the stage after the last track. Something went wrong, but nobody really knows what. The audience wasn't disruptive or apathetic, so it can't have been that. Ah well.

Who knows? They broke up in '94 or so and then reunited in 2009 and had contemplated writing another album. Some of the songs on the Kenn Nadri album were co-written to be on the new Anacrusis album. No idea what's going on with them now, but I'm assuming they are inactive or disbanded again which is why Dancing With The Past was released.
Blotted Science is fun
Animals as Leaders is a cool instrumental band if you're into that sort of thing
New Agalloch album was fantastic
New Insomnium album was fantastic (as already mentioned :) )
Newest Kalmah album was good
I disagree with the last three you mentioned. The new Agalloch was probably the biggest let down of 2014, Insomnium was good but a slight regression, and Kalmah hasn't done anything noteworthy since the middle part of the last decade.

I'd also suggest October Tide for some great epic doom/death.

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Everything's great here, man! It's good to hear from you. I've been very busy with work and other things so I haven't had time to stay in touch; I also killed my old FB page and have a secret one now just for family, so I'm out of the loop.

Been playing Elite: Dangerous lately as well as DCS and revisiting some Fallout 3. Currently looking into H1Z1 since they corrected the P2W's still in Alpha, though. Quit Eve Online due to lack of time for commitment, as well as SWTOR. Will get back into Eve soon, however. Elite: Dangerous is fucking fantastic, though.

As far as music goes, I'm all over the place. Try some of these:

Crushing Italian sludge/doom band called Naga:

Blast from the past of my childhood, The Fixx. I've been really digging Reach the Beach when I remembered it all of a sudden the other day. <--- One of the best songs ever. Saved by Zero is still great.

This was always my favorite Beatles song. Their early stuff is way underrated by the fucking drugged-out hippie crowd circle jerking over Abbey Road and Sgt. Pepper.

One of the best songs from Solstafir. Love this band and this is my favorite song...the lyrics are amazing. They were equally influenced by Darkthrone and Smashing Pumpkins until the singer claimed he discovered one day Billy Corgan began writing better riffs than Fenriz.

Fucking amazing grunge stoner metal band, Big Business. Sounds like a three-way between Helmet, The Melvins, and Red Fang.

I really can't recommend this album enough, even though I historically can't stand Beck's music. It's like he was hypnotized by Gordon Lightfoot and recorded an album with him under hypnosis. Seriously, this album is fucking great and is probably my favorite album of 2014. It's the type of album that will make you nostalgic in 15 years, whether these days your life is great or shit.
I disagree with the last three you mentioned. The new Agalloch was probably the biggest let down of 2014, Insomnium was good but a slight regression, and Kalmah hasn't done anything noteworthy since the middle part of the last decade.

I'd also suggest October Tide for some great epic doom/death.

Holy shit I forgot about these guys. Incredible. I used to love this song so much I must have forgot about it from all the xanax.

That guitar tone is to die for.
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Haha thanks, but for the sake of continuity we'll just use this topic for good recommendations for you. :D

The piece after the bridge in Lore is fucking hypnotic, isn't it? Then you can actually hear the song blossom like a flower all the way to the fade out at the end.
Kauan. Russian group from the last decade or so. Love Aava Tuulen Maa.
