Please recommend some good VSTs for Drums Processing (Comressors, EQs etc)


TubeTone Russia
Mar 26, 2009
Hi, I'm starting to build our tracks in Superior Drummer, but I don't get good results from the default SD plugins. What's the best software out there for compressing, noise gating and EQing the drums? Preferably with good presets, cause I iz a n00b still..

I don't mind paying. I just need the BEST. I don't like Waves products too much, cause I once installed some pack and it just crashed my system.. there were a lot of small plugins.
Like I said on another thread a minute ago, I like processing my EZDrummer kick and snare with EQ and Compression (does not matter that much which ones, but Massey's CT4 makes it VERY EASY to dial in decent compression settings on single drum tracks due to it's simple UI and musical algorithms). I process the drum buss with saturation (Massey Tapehead, VintageWarmer will do as well) and buss compression to get a punchy, loud and up-front sound. Without any serious buss treatment, I don't get anything useful out of EZD.
I don't mind paying. I just need the BEST. I don't like Waves products too much, cause I once installed some pack and it just crashed my system.. there were a lot of small plugins.

Was it w@rezd? Waves are held in pretty high regard, especially the SSL and API collections. It's only the Diamond/Platinum/Mercury bundles that have a "lot of small plugins", it seems. Pretty sure the SSL and API bundles have like 3-5 plugins.
...and besides, the "BEST" is truly in personal taste. Some guys use shitty free plugins all the time and get monsterous results, while some people drop hundreds of dollars on shit they will never know how to use based only on being told they are the best. Try some stuff out and draw up a wishlist of things you like and would like to have after using the free/cheap ones and do some research on top dollar ones to see if they can do what you are in need of.
Is Nomad Factory popular, for example?

For example I can't get a good sound out of Synth1 vsti, but my roommate can do some fucking monster sounds out of it from variety of ranges of style. I would rather say that you test the plugins out yourself and buy the ones that you like the best.

I personally like the Waves Musicians bundle 2. It costs only like $150 or so and it has pretty much almost all the plugins I use from Waves at uni, except L2, C4 and PAZ. But when using VST, they can be replaced with George Wongs W1, Gvst Multi and Voxengo SPAN, which are all free plugins.
Massey's are RTAS.. I need VST :(
Yes, they are... and I like them... but you can get reasonable to decent results with different plugins like Executioner213 said. For compression try the free digitalfishphones Blockfish or even your stock DAW compressor. For saturation, there are several free options out there (Ferox, TLS saturated driver, just to name a few...). Again, my tip is to put (besides some dyn/eq-treatment of the kick and snare tracks) saturation and compression on the drum buss to make them kick some serious butt. And if you do, they will.
KRUIZ (spelled KPYN3 in Russian) is one of my favorite thrash metal bands from the late 80's. Their guitarist Valeri Gaina is godlike. My avatar is the album cover of their best record. There are some videos on youtube, which are of the worst quality ever, unfortunately.