Please stop by and say hello (Vanden Plas)


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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After seeing the thread about "favorite songs of all time" I noticed Vanden Plas is VERY well represented here. I would like to invite everyone here who are fans of Vanden Plas to come to the Vanden Plas message board. The address is......

You have to sign up before posting, but that is typical right. Mention my name and I will send each of you an Ibanez Gem 7 string. Riiiiiggghhhttt... Seriously though.... mention me and the moderator might be a little lax on you since he is my whipping boy, right Snowman ? Ha ha ha :p

In all seriousness, we need some people at the forum (especially you Kenneth R as you rock, my brother !!) and this seems like a great place to recruit.

Lastly, I don't want anyone here to think I am in the SX forum just to promote Vanden Plas. I think Michael Horatio is an excellent guitar player and Alan Russell is one hell of a singer. :rock: :rock:

Bryant said:
I think Michael Horatio is an excellent guitar player and Alan Russell is one hell of a singer. :rock: :rock:

I missed something somewhere...

Based on recommendations here, I bought some Vanden Plas, but haven't had a chance to listen to it yet (I've had it TWO WEEKS!!!!). Damn job gettin' in the way of my hobby....
Snowmaker said:
Yet he himself is RARELY in there. :rolleyes:

I'm coming back Snowy. How can I recruit new fans if I spend all of my time in the Vanden Plas forum ? I would hope everyone at the VP forum is aware of the Vanden Plas forum anyway. Allow me to get a couple of guys from the oldschool board and before the weekend is out, I will be back in the VP forum.

Fossil Records said:
I missed something somewhere...

Based on recommendations here, I bought some Vanden Plas, but haven't had a chance to listen to it yet (I've had it TWO WEEKS!!!!). Damn job gettin' in the way of my hobby....

Hmmm.... guess you didn't understand my sarcasm. Would Michael Juliet and Allen Russell bump the needle on the silly meter ? I think Horatio was actually a character in Hamlet, but I am 37 years old and last read Shakespeare in high school. Frankly, the only characters I remember in Romeo and Juliet are..... well.... Romeo ad Juliet.

Hell yeah just quit !! J/k :erk:

Oh yeh, now i remember. I think it may have been hamlet.... not sure. Initially I was thinking "Hephastion", which was Alexander the Great's best friend. Not sure how I could get those 2 mixed up apart from the fact that they both start with 'H'.
Bryant said:
Hmmm.... guess you didn't understand my sarcasm. Would Michael Juliet and Allen Russell bump the needle on the silly meter ? I think Horatio was actually a character in Hamlet, but I am 37 years old and last read Shakespeare in high school. Frankly, the only characters I remember in Romeo and Juliet are..... well.... Romeo ad Juliet.

:goggly: Ah, now I got it. I'm just a bit slow. And at 36 years myself, it's been a while since I've read Romeo and Juliet as well. Since I don't know they guys of Vanden Plas, I didn't know if it was a combination of theirs and SymX's names or what. :lol:

Hell yeah just quit !! J/k :erk:

Oh, man. Don't I wish... Maybe I'd actually get some music-time in... :waah:
Fossil Records said:
:goggly: Ah, now I got it. I'm just a bit slow. And at 36 years myself, it's been a while since I've read Romeo and Juliet as well. Since I don't know they guys of Vanden Plas, I didn't know if it was a combination of theirs and SymX's names or what. :lol:

Oh, man. Don't I wish... Maybe I'd actually get some music-time in... :waah:

They all have German names... as they are German
Andreas (Andy) Kuntz
Stephan Lill
Andreas Lill
Torsten Reichert
Gunter Werno

As far as working, I'd quit too, but my company pays me so I think that might be a bad idea. :erk: I think we should all just pray to God and ask him to put 30 hours in a day. :Smug: He can give me a few lottery numbers as well. I won't complain...... :lol:
