please tell me u guys are not breaking up


New Metal Member
May 18, 2004
after the release of this album I honestly thought they would get bigger, I thought this was the point. but it seems that the bnd has passed even more into the fray instead. Please come back evergrey, come back to the US and come back with the old music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, they are dissapearing into obscurity, thats why they did they're first UK headlining show, there albums are actually appearing in HMV/Virgin/wherever, and they played the UK's biggest rock festival as well.

Wow you are sure on the pulse :rolleyes:
heavy drugs he's been taking i guess
poor kid, i quite with drugs and the kid is killing himself :lol:
has the topic got anything to do with the post? my english is a bit shitty but that was horrible written. i couldnt even understand what he was trying to say.
Well i think he meant that their music is changing.. That its diffrent from before. u gotta be a retard to not understand what he means... so shut up and quit whine morons. And for kuksug som förmodligen är nån jävla mes från sverige. HOW THE FUCK CAN HE WRITE BAD ENGLISH !? i mean omfg he lives in the fucking states man... What's the reason for u all to whine on him? he asked a simple question.. and u guys have to act unmature? to bad..
i know thats true. I just got mad cuz i dont like ppl who treat others like shit when they havnt done anything. :p
Cryonic, his message is as clear as mud

He first asks if the band are breaking up, with no actual signs that they are gonna, he then says they aren't getting more appreciation, when if he realised countries other than the US existed, he would see they are obviously getting more fans and more appreciation, and then says he wants them to return to the US with the old music, as far as we know he may just want them to do a live show with stuff from The Dark Discovery only.

Sure, if you read things based upon hidden subtext maybe, but I'm not a woman, I take things at face value, I work on statements not hints.
Well, As far as i know Evergrey has never made music with the intention of just getting bigger. They make music they like and can stand behind 100%. Never commercial stuff to sell as many albums as possible. and ofcourse for a creative band its natural to evolve. Well, youre really mature cryonic... WTF has my nick to do with this? or if im from Norway or Sweden or Finland? that doesnt change the fact the post were noobish.
Well if you want the band to come back to the USA, then buy a ticket to ProgPower USA where the band will be playing in September
Kuksug! said:
Well, As far as i know Evergrey has never made music with the intention of just getting bigger. They make music they like and can stand behind 100%. Never commercial stuff to sell as many albums as possible. and ofcourse for a creative band its natural to evolve. Well, youre really mature cryonic... WTF has my nick to do with this? or if im from Norway or Sweden or Finland? that doesnt change the fact the post were noobish.

I've actually read an interview were they confessed that they did the cover "I'm sorry" for commercial purpose.
At least they have balls to be honest about it!
Death_Work said:
I've actually read an interview were they confessed that they did the cover "I'm sorry" for commercial purpose.
At least they have balls to be honest about it!

Even if they only did that song for commercial purposes I still think it really fit their style. When I first heard the recreation day album I thought "I'm Sorry" was one of their original songs, I had no idea it was a cover.