Please wish Glenn and Jen the best of luck and Happiness

I did on Facebook, but will again. I wish you both MANY years of happiness and comfort in each others' company. After 24 years of marriage's ups and downs, I will say all the work and hard times were worth it. We've now reached a place peace and contentment I would never give up.
Hey Glenn and Jen:

We hope you all the best wishes, warm weather and many a killer cocktail!!! To your happiness!!! It could not happen to a greater guy and friend.

Hugz from Zane, Heather and Sebastian!!!
Congrats and best wishes to you both! Although I think Glenn should have popped the question onstage at PPX. It's been, least three or four years since we've seen a ProgPower marriage proposal? :p
Congrats Glenn & Jen, have a great trip and a wonderful life together!

I know... I forget which year it was, but I remember seeing a couple of marriage proposals and a concert broke out! :lol:
2006...between the marriage proposals and the crowd chanting "STRING QUARTET! STRING QUARTET! STRING QUARTET!", that was definitely not your average metal show.