I actually wonder why people seem to be so proud of whom their ancestors were instead of whom they are at present times...coming from the clan of Erik whatever does not make you cooler, your actions do, so come on...
I never used to know much about my ancestors because of the lack of my family's interaction. Yet years later I have found quite a bit about where my ancestors came from.
My uncle tracked my mother's side of the family back to 1010 AD (Scotland) which is from the clan of Mercia.
On the other side my father's ancestors are from sussex and from our research, our family name turns out to be the King's Reeve in charge of the shire. Our records run out in 8-900AD (around) before records. So I am dying to know where my ancestoral line comes from, from evidence it's probably Norway, Denmark, or somewhere around this area. (There is also another record showing we may have been from the same stock via Gerefa and been hired by the new king as the sheriff, which made our ancestors as mercenaries via west saxon tribes).
So the records run out and it's an unsolvable puzzle to figure exactly where they came from although the translation of the records is key, it's old french, saxon, old norse, and keeps going in circles.
Yet I may never know for sure, it's a kick to know that my ancestors where important enough to be recorded as "in charge". Does this make me a viking, maybe, maybe not.
All I have to go by is the "emotions" I feel when thinking about the whole collection while listening to Amon all the time.
How my family ended up in Australia is my only real strength, both mother and father's family where free settlers coming out on the first and second fleet. So in a country that is renowned for being settled by convicts, this is a nice feeling that they had the guts to move here for a better life. (I find it ironic that's probably what they did back in Mercia in the first place too).
On my mother's side, Daniel James Tree built the first pub in Adelaide (before that it was actually Port Lincoln in which he setup the first trade route between them). It used to take him one week to travel 742km with 12 oxen to resupply his general store. Eventually (because of the lack of water) they moved the captial of South Australia to where Adelaide is now.
My father's was in Melbourne and settled across the road from where Government house was built, it was also called govenment road btw. It's quite a kick to find that the hotel I was running was built by my ancestors (which was a fluke to discover) in 1842 (or 1862, I forget exact date) using the last of the bluestone and barely survived due to a demolition of all public houses in the 1920's due to poor workmanship. It was saved becuase of it's stone construction.
After this time our government was drawn up and moved to Canberra, with all our laws etc. being setup. So it's also another kick to know that we've been around while this was all happening.
In the end I am in the position of the only person to carry on the name, and yes my mother is always reminding me. But I live my life to the best of my abilities and try to continue the "right" life as I see it. It doesn't really get affected by who or where I am descended from, although saying that, I do have a yerning to revisit or live (for a time) in the old countries of my ancestors....