Plug in OD/boost pedals?


Jun 3, 2006
I use Sonar 7 and I am happy with my ryth tone when everything is playing: bass drums vocals etc etc.

Sometimes there are parts where the riff is on its own. I have already recorded a lot of the ryth and was wondering how I can beef up a single guitar track when it is the main part of the song.
Quite a few options i guess. I would double the track or maybe bring it in a little closer and not keep it spread out. Or the oldest trick in the book i guess "Ride the Fader" (automate it and increase the volume of that track)

I wud still wait for someone more experienced to reply. There are some real geniuses around here. a lot to learn... :rock:
I use Sonar 7 and I am happy with my ryth tone when everything is playing: bass drums vocals etc etc.

Sometimes there are parts where the riff is on its own. I have already recorded a lot of the ryth and was wondering how I can beef up a single guitar track when it is the main part of the song.

Are you talking about bringing out certain sections of already recorded material or stuff you plan on recording from here on out?

As you titled the thread "Plug in OD/Boost" are you looking for something to simply increase the volume? Then as mentioned above automating or riding the faders to bring the section of guitar you want up a little in the required sections with perhaps a bit of change in panning - maybe bringing the part you want more center in the mix (also with automation perhaps).

I'm by no means experienced as most of the folks here but that's my 2 cents for the little it is worth.
Quite a few options i guess. I would double the track or maybe bring it in a little closer and not keep it spread out. Or the oldest trick in the book i guess "Ride the Fader" (automate it and increase the volume of that track)

I wud still wait for someone more experienced to reply. There are some real geniuses around here. a lot to learn... :rock:

The problem is I record at low gain. So I don't need just volume, I need some distortion to make it more liquid. It is for ryths I have already recorded.
For one album, I added the SimulAnalog JCM900 to an already recorded amp sound. It created a really nice and different sound. For added measure, try adding an impulse to the chain too!

Cool. I just downloaded the free Canadian Metal plug in. So I will give that a go too.
No problem, I use it regularly! (though always before an ampsim/impulse chain for tightening my scratch tracks)