pod farm buzz

ok i did some testing both my mixers when the di box is plugged in make the noise when you try to use the line in on the mixer (yes i know you are not suppose to) it does the same but when i use my pod gx on my computer it doesn't do it but it kinda gimps with my computer im like pulling my hair out :yell:
My step brothers Fender did this. When you made a chug, a weird ring would come after. Even with little distortion. I had to set the gate on full throttle to stop, but then it would ruin the character of the guitar all together.
its not the guitar tho ive tried 3 different guitars ive tried a epiphone les paul, a schecter blackjack atx and a schecter dameion and they all do it
You need to copy the public link... going through a di box into an external mixer and then into your interface card sounds like a little more effort than it could be worth, personally, unless that external mixer is REALLY good.
hmm if its not a grounding issue, then i dont know, i do know when my ux2 is on my desk, i get a loud piercing screech sound, when i put it on the ground and relocate the power strip its plugged into , it goes away
You said your signal chain was like this, but you still didn't answer what was your signal chain, for example:

ESP EC1000 -> Monster instrument cable -> Behringer DI-box -> Mogami xlr cable -> Neve preamp -> Pro Tools HD

But judging from what you said, try switching the cables and press the ground lift on and off on the DI box to see if the problem goes away.

Guitar -> instrument cable -> DI box input -> XLR cable -> Preamp input -> DAW -> Pod Farm
ok its a Schecter Blackjack atx > digiflex instrument cable > Behringe ultra DI400p > xlr Cable im not sure which one > to Behringer Eurorack ub2442fx > M audio audiophile Delta 192
ok its a Schecter Blackjack atx > digiflex instrument cable > Behringe ultra DI400p > xlr Cable im not sure which one > to Behringer Eurorack ub2442fx > M audio audiophile Delta 192

Yup, I'm definitely seeing the hiss city right there. Also the gain staging doesn't seem optimal, the signal level is fairly quiet compared to the noise floor. I used the Audacity "Amplify" to get it to louder and then used "Noise Removal" function to remove the hiss and then put it thru pod farm and got this:

(first original, then processed and for comparison my guitar straight to Profire's hi-z input)

But once again, it's just band-aid for AIDS. Use better gain staging, use better gear = better sound.
its ok i fixed it iot was interface from my mixer its just going to the sound card now and it sounds mint thx for ur help anyways
Mine has been doing that too. When I run PodFarm standalone and play through it, perfect sound and the gate cuts all the crap out. Then when I run it as a plugin through Pro Tools 9, I get this hideous buzzing noise. It never did that in my previous DAW.
Try using guitar rig 5 (yes the free stuff that is on there) and using their Noise reduction thing before you even use podfarm. Helps me when i know im recording shitty guitar and it does that wierd hummy buzz thing after a mute.
It's basically a decimator. A noise gate is too attacky and sloppy.