Pod Farm/s2.0/LSD Snare


Carlos Rosa
Jul 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
So recently I downloaded Lasse Lammert's snare sample pack (which I hope to purchase soon!) to give them a try.

I wrote some random beats with superior drummer, then improvised
some riffing with it.

I used the Criminal amp with treadplate cab and condenser.

I replaced the kick 40% with the "Brain Kick" I found on
therecordingart.com and the snare is 50% Sn5HPR from the sample pack.

I also used Allen Morgan's modern rock preset as base.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9799371/Random Riff (remastered).mp3
Would it be to much trouble to ask you to snap a print screen of your tone settings? Just the amp.
