LSD-Drums: New Samples added...Teaser

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
the "obscurity" kick snare and toms (4 toms) will be added shortly.

here's how the kick sounds

Obscurity Kick Teaser
pretty tasty, aye?

Here's a snare
Obscurity Snare Teaser

Since the snare just by itself sounds a bit choked and boring I've added some reverb for this teaser...that way it's probably easier to estimate how it'll sound in a mix...
the samples in the pack will be dry of course

toms teasers will follow

EDIT: here is a little drumclip...real drums, kick and snare replaced 100% with the Obscurity Samples. No other extra processing but the added reverb:

Obscurity Drum Clip
(I used only hard hits on this one, the rim shots sound really high and ringy...pretty nice...had to pick one for this clip though, so I decided to go with the hard hits :)

LSD Drums owners: make sure to re-download your updated samples

and as a little acustical bonus here's the same clip with the same snare, tweaked a bit further to give is a "sneapish" sound:
(it's not really a mix of course, guitars are just sansamp, have yet to be reamped (will do that tomorrow))

yeah, it does indeed have that sneapish "pop"

Sneap-Style-Snare with guits
Sounds really really nice. If you get your Tom samples up i will fucking go crazy because this samples are just amazing...really.... got SSD and SD, but i always use your samples for kicks and snares. They all work really well in a mix and theres quite a big choice for all kind of styles. Toms will rule i think.....what about cymbals?
Sounds really really nice. If you get your Tom samples up i will fucking go crazy because this samples are just amazing...really.... got SSD and SD, but i always use your samples for kicks and snares. They all work really well in a mix and theres quite a big choice for all kind of styles. Toms will rule i think.....what about cymbals?

Thanks for the compliments.
I though about making cymbals, but I wasn't 100% sure...I HATE programmed drums, so I never thought about making samples for programming....
I'll consider it though.

I'm uploading the updates as wee speak, should take another 60 mins, so you guys will have these soon...just re-download from your personal links.
Whohoo! I'm not sure if I still have your e-mail of the snares link :cry:
If I can't find it, if I give you my e-mail that was used to buy them could you send me the link again?
Whohoo! I'm not sure if I still have your e-mail of the snares link :cry:
If I can't find it, if I give you my e-mail that was used to buy them could you send me the link again?

yes, I'll have to search my archives to find your link again though...might take a bit.
why's noone keeping his link although I'm saying it in the mail, lol
Just to double check, file sizes sound right?:

Kick - 31.4mb
Snares - 249mb

should be right...but since you bought both kick and snares you should as well have the drum pack...with the free toms (well, so far it's only one dual-tom-set, but more will be added soon)

I'mm gonna shoot you a link
I'm totally gonna grab these at the start of december when my student loan comes in. Didn't know that you got free toms when you bought the kicks and snares.
I got both links :)! Although I did not get a link for the toms :S I've got both kicks and snares

you must have been one of the first ones who bought then.
please send me an email with the addy you used for the payment and I'll sort you out.
Man, I wish I had enough clue about html etc to set up a page that does all that crap automatically ;)

I'm totally gonna grab these at the start of december when my student loan comes in. Didn't know that you got free toms when you bought the kicks and snares.

yeah, I figured as long as I don't have the toms up the early buyers will get them for free...I'll keep adding toms to that link, until I've got enough to sell them seperately...then there'll be a drumpack, kicks, snares and toms available as bundles...but as I said...everyone who gets kicks and snares BEFORE the toms are up will get all the toms for free (so far there's only one set in that pack though...but more will be added soon)