Alestorm drum're gonna shit bricks! CYMBALS ADDED

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
oh man, I can't wait to upload these for you (will be some time though)

here is how the hard hits sound:

Drum Teaser

the samples come with different articulations far there's like 15-25% D4 blended with that snare, I can't do that for the versions I'm selling of course, but it sounds pretty much the same without the D4 in there as well anyways

Snare: Ludwig
Toms/Kick: MMP (Masters Maple Premium)

all API preamps, Waves SSL, MH, C2 and Distressor processing....some verb one there (there won't be any reverb on the downloadable samples of course)

and now listen to these sounds and ejaculate




EDIT: for cymbal samples see post #14
I dreamt the entire night about doing that....not sure if I'm too lazy though...we're also facing a really tight deadline, so I don't know if we'll have the time....we'll see ;)

here's the deal: I did not record the cymbals close mic'd, perfectly set up etc, but just how they were used in the real recordings.

I used a 4 mic overhead setup and seperate mics on hats and ride on top of that.
then I bussed all those 6 mics to a stereo track in a similar ratio/balance to how I use them in the actual mix --> That stereo track ist not 100% phase accurate and has way less versatility than it could have had if I could have been arsed to bother ;)...but I wanted it to sound like it does on the actual recording and not polished/spot-sampled etc...that way it should sound more real I think....also is the panning like it'll be on the album.

also: the drummer had a huge rack and on some of the cymbals (small splashes) the ring from the stand is actually as loud and rings longer than the actual cymbal..but yeah, that's how it's in the real recording, so if you want the Alestorm cymbals you'll have to deal with that.

here's the catch: I can't be arsed cutting that long stereo track into the seperate samples, labelling them etc.....
I am VERY anal when it comes to slicing cymbals though (like zoom in to sample level and cut them perfectly etc) thought was to have someone of you do ut for me...that person could keep the cymbal samples of course...any takers?

Teaserclip: Alestorm Cymbal Teaser
Thanks, I hate how usually samples are always clean spot mc'd cymbals that'll never sound like a real kit does....I actually think the slight phase issues and ringing stands etc make them sound more real... Cause that's how the cymbals are mic'd in a real recording situation.
I didn't record many diffierent velocities in these, just like they're being hit in a metal song.... 5-6 hits per cMbal....They're not meant to go in a jazz song;)
Yeah, well doing the "perfect spot" mic'ing didn't go well for Slate as they never really sit in a mix well. These on the other hand being "real world" will fit in REALLY nicely. How many hard hits did you do? (since thats what most of us cares about ;))

here's the deal: I did not record the cymbals close mic'd, perfectly set up etc, but just how they were used in the real recordings.

I used a 4 mic overhead setup and seperate mics on hats and ride on top of that.
then I bussed all those 6 mics to a stereo track in a similar ratio/balance to how I use them in the actual mix --> That stereo track ist not 100% phase accurate and has way less versatility than it could have had if I could have been arsed to bother ;)...but I wanted it to sound like it does on the actual recording and not polished/spot-sampled etc...that way it should sound more real I think....also is the panning like it'll be on the album.

also: the drummer had a huge rack and on some of the cymbals (small splashes) the ring from the stand is actually as loud and rings longer than the actual cymbal..but yeah, that's how it's in the real recording, so if you want the Alestorm cymbals you'll have to deal with that.

here's the catch: I can't be arsed cutting that long stereo track into the seperate samples, labelling them etc.....
I am VERY anal when it comes to slicing cymbals though (like zoom in to sample level and cut them perfectly etc) thought was to have someone of you do ut for me...that person could keep the cymbal samples of course...any takers?

Teaserclip: Alestorm Cymbal Teaser

I can probably do it for you, Lasse. I'd of course need to know what all cymbals were used (sizes and such) for labeling them. Let me know.