POD XT Clipping


Huge Member
Aug 29, 2006
Ok, I'm still trying to get a good sound out tof the POD XT without the Metal Shop pack. Everytime I get something I like, the frickin' POD starts blinking "Clip", "Clip", "Clip". It's not constant and I've tried to mess with the compression and gate but when I do it flattens out the tone. What do you guys do? Does it really matter that much?
I have my output button around 12 o'clock most of the time, just in the red, i get that sometimes as well though, then it's a case of too much bass/low end causing the text "clip" to pop up... so it's not always volume...

But just turn it down a bit... or look into that low end a bit... it'll be fine.

oh, and get the metal pack!! :rock:
I'm going out on a limb here but i'm pretty sure the clip led is an input reference.... eg pasive single coils dont do it that much but active emgs or SD invaders do it lots

also bass wise the warick double buck is super high output and clips loads ..... I always just ignore it to tell you the truth, as long as it sounds good it is good!

aparently if you doing digital reamping with the xt pro you really have to look out for it but i've never actually done it.... as i only realy re-amp pod tracks out to real amps

hope that helps man
Thanks guys, that actually does help. I think that my bridge pickup (Dimarzio) is super-hot. In reading the POD XT Manual it says to "get the best sound to always start your tone field with the Channel Volume at 100%". It also says that the "OUTPUT" dial doesn't actually change the tone, just the level. So the problem is that I haven't found a basic tone yet that I can have my guitar volume all the way up with the Channel Volume on the POD all the way up with out it clipping like crazy. So I have to turn the Channel Volume down and it loses that cool high gain sound...you know?:rolleyes: I'm not reamping or anything so I guess I'll have to buy the metal pack like Bob says to get the high gain sounds in the metal pack. Cool, Thanks-
Hmm...weird. I don't have a POD but for some reason I feel like there is something missing from this equation I know what you mean by the harder I drive the front end the more gain I will get but there has to be a way to adjust the internal output with out it effecting tone.
Bring the channel volume down to where it's not clipping anymore! If you need more volume turn up the output! Simple!
yeah as a podxt live owner, the input wont affect the clipping, it's an output level clip, and the best way to cure it is to bring down the channel volume, if you read the manual it says "set the channel volume as high as it will go before clipping"