Pod XT Metalpack


Hit'er in the shitter
Dec 12, 2005
I´ve had my Pod XT for a few years now, and now i´m starting to think that it´s not that great anymore. I think the treadplate model is a bit buzzy. It´s like a high freq buzz that I just can´t get rid of... So I was thinking, is it worth upgrading with the metalpack?

And a friend of mine is selling his Randall RH100 (the first model) for ~$1100. I´ve tried it and I think it sounds really good (for that price). What do you think, is it a good deal? Any comments about the amp?
I personally love the metalpack and the classic pack. But if you are having trouble with the standard amps, you'll still have trouble getting a good sound out of the metalpack amps. The treadplate model isn't the best, but I can get a good sound out of it with a bit of tweaking.

About the Randall..... Those sell for like $250.... Why would you buy it for $1100??? And it sucks anyway, buy a real amp.....
I can't comment on the metal pack but I've been a little disapointed with the xt.
I used the original pod for several years, used it for demos and writing. then I got the xt. The recto patch on it sucks(I don't really like rectos, but i liked the recto patch on the original pod for some reason). The noise gate sucks. I know the xt is more tweakably but it sounds so much more processed to me.

I wonder if I should by the metal pack but I'd hate to throw in another $50 bucks on something I ain't digging.
Hi Polpotkin,

Have you tried using the EQ in the XT? Try using the high shelf part of the eq (the last of the four bands you can adjust) set it to -24dB (I think thats as low as you can go) and shelf at 9.3kHz (the highest it goes) that should get rid of the high freqency artificial sounding buzz you're getting. I have to do it on all the models as there is that fizz present on all of them.