PlugIn Pod XT?!?

Yeah, read about this yesterday. Got me pretty excited! Especially that the Plugin will be available as an upgrade to existing PodXT, Guitarport & Toneport users. And they also took care of the latency problem: While recording, the hardware can be used for direct monitoring. For me, this is the definite advantage over all the other modeling plugins, even more so because I already own the hardware. ;-)
The sound quality is already in its own leage compared to amplitube and the others, so if this works as advertised, they should have a real winner on their hands, methinks...
DSS3 said:
There was a thread about this before ;).

I forgive Mulder though, as any excuse to look at his avatar is awesome.

Oops, just found it, sorry guys.

But to let you look at the TalibanTits just a bit more, having the Pod as a plugin opens up a new way of working, it will be possible to 're-amp' your tracks through (multiple) different models, keep tweaking them, that kinda shit.
The 'tubes rule and silicon sucks' debate suffers a tweensy bit from egologic IMHO, the XT can produce some searing tracks, Andy proved that with his Rise To Addiction mix. Beeing able to use that 'amp' multiple times in Nuendo makes me greedy.

And for those people who think the input of the toneport makes their talent suffer, here's a handy cable, it'll allow you to hook up your tool to a phantommicinput with all the impedance and stuff taken care of.