
Sounds cool bro.
Get some drums and bass on that bad lad so we can feel the rock ;)

Wont be giving a preset because the only one I could give would be a Logic channel strip preset, and that would be useful for Logic users only. But I'll give screenshots of all the relevant settings:


Basically: Guitar -> TS model -> Silver Jubilee (no cab enabled) -> Reverbate (Engl w/V30's)

Fairly simple chain really. Quad-tracked in the example. Some of the riffs are fully quaded... whilst other times there are two riffs at once, each doubled up. So four tracks in total, swapping between playing one riff, and playing two riffs.

I think I may have used a different impulse with a different mic position for two of those tracks, and there was some further EQ adjustments in the clip that I keep separate from my channel preset.