Poetry of Subculture

Manic Ferocity

Active Member
Nov 5, 2006

"Hey guess what bloggerz yallll!?!?!? I'm a fuckin METALHEAD and have been for 20 years but you know what? It's fuckin STUPID and for IDIOTS but I can like it cuz I've read Nietzsche and understand romanticism and stuff. Read my blogs cuz they have big words the size of ANUS and like, ya know, PHILOSOPHY cuz I can use that to analyze a genre that's just STUPID and RACIST anyway. "
I used to follow his blog back in the day but stopped once it became clear that he's just a guy who's genuinely embarrassed about listening to metal. I just browsed it for the first time recently though and this hits an all time low.
I enjoyed reading his reviews/analyses of his favorite albums when he posted them regularly. He introduced me to a fair amount of underground prog and tech-thrash, and his Locust Leaves album was very good. Kinda forgot about the blog, probably haven't viewed it in at least a couple years. tbh I don't care about what people post on their blogs, the entire point of a blog is pretty much to display your opinions/beliefs to the world without necessarily expecting discussion. I mean, I fundamentally disagree with the claim that racism is a product of ideology (let alone the tolerance of its trivialization) rather than experience and biology, but at least he makes his case without really attacking people, unlike many pop-liberals getting bands to cancel tours over mistranslation of a word or a decade-old edgy swastika joke. I don't agree that heavy metal (nor really anything tbqh) has any inherent meaning either. More pathetic is when some edgelord ex-sidechick of Dodens that used to ego-masturbate philosophical musings over the genre-defining anti-Christian nature of black metal turns around and cross-board whines about some other guy's opinion on the internet insulting him after having his own opinion rebuked in a blogger's comment section.

I imagine that almost all people draw a moral line somewhere with regards to what they choose to accept or reject. Helm rejects fascism and racism in his preferred music of metal, while you reject Christianity in metal. While I personally just consider this to be a matter of personal preference and don't care about what people choose to consume, you should realize the losing proposition of attacking such an argument on the basis of hedonism ("B-but I like it so you have to accept that I like it"). If you'd like to discuss the prospects of finding an objective truth within metal, I'd love to see that argument here, rather than running off to gossip at whatever clique you usually retreat to (I can see Omni had also replied a few hours after you).
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I listen to Trouble, Unorthodox, Saint Vitus, Black Sabbath, Revelation, etc. so I do not reject Christianity in metal. I recall saying that it's arguably an inappropriate subject matter for black metal specifically but I don't agree that it has no place in metal.

My problem with Helm is that he is saying that it is the responsibility of a metalhead to reject anything that is not just explicitly fascist, but even so much as lyrically alluding to fascism, even in a historical context that doesn't directly involve beliefs. I do not have any problem with someone choosing not to listen to metal with themes like that. The problem is that he's TELLING other metalheads that they have an obligation to NOT listen to it.

Either way, I'm not convinced that you aren't just playing devil's advocate here. You are not as sly as you think you are and I'm sure you're eating up the opportunity to point out that we both commented on his post because you're convinced we're part of this fictionalized unbreakable pact simply because we're friends. Get over the whole rivalry thing with her man. It's pretty transparent and pathetic and the only person who takes you seriously at this point is that oaf that I have on ignore. Omni has had mostly good things to say about you.
edgelord ex-sidechick of Dodens that used to ego-masturbate philosophical musings over the genre-defining anti-Christian nature of black metal turns around and cross-board whines about some other guy's opinion on the internet insulting him after having his own opinion rebuked in a blogger's comment section.


the only person who takes you seriously at this point that oaf that I have on ignore

HBB is one of the funniest people I've encountered on the internet. I don't know if it's the fact that I take him seriously or he keeps me entertained.

I assume this is me re: 'oaf'. I guess ignoring me isn't working out well when you keep responding to my posts at every available opportunity I mention the in-crowd or my tongue in cheek insults about black metal or big tiddy goth girls. Does Omni tell you get irate I post these things and then you feel compelled to respond to them as an attempt to gain her favor, Mr. BlackMetalWhiteKnight2018?

In terms of the topic, I don't really care what the subject matter is if I enjoy the music. It's an art form and art can be interpreted many different ways by many different people. It's interesting you don't really have any SJW types creating metal with the exception of maybe Napalm Death and Cattle Decapitation but they were in the game long before this shit started.
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524 outright racist metal bands on MA *does some math* is 0.4% of entries, and only half of them active. Breathtaking stuff.

blog said:
there's a lot of actual neo-nazis in metal, but there's even more potential ones in the periphery of those beliefs and they are softening the ground for gradual radicalization. You yourself, probably have met them, conversed with them online and offline if you go to shows and participate in the scene, you've had to hear 'soft' positions about 'The New World Order' (which is just a cipher for 'The Jews') just as much as you've probably had to deal with the same people saying that women or people of color just... don't seem to feature in metal circles as much as you'd expect.

Yea, sure... Ive been to hundreds of metal shows over the years, and you would probably get decked if you said or did anything that was outright racist (or probably yelled at by some nerd). Just look at the backlash that Phil Anselmo received/receives over being a stupid redneck. The people in which he is talking about are few and far between, and are likely dwindling in numbers by the day (rather than increasing as he suggests).

Just another product of the paranoid far-left. Metal has nothing to do with the current political landscape, nor is it breeding nationalistic beliefs or encouraging racism. A couple of isolated scenes may exist, but they are almost definitely without influence or consequence.

blog said:
Where does this terrible political correctness stop?

Thankfully in the next paragraph.
I listen to Trouble, Unorthodox, Saint Vitus, Black Sabbath, Revelation, etc. so I do not reject Christianity in metal. I recall saying that it's arguably an inappropriate subject matter for black metal specifically but I don't agree that it has no place in metal.

My problem with Helm is that he is saying that it is the responsibility of a metalhead to reject anything that is not just explicitly fascist, but even so much as lyrically alluding to fascism, even in a historical context that doesn't directly involve beliefs. I do not have any problem with someone choosing not to listen to metal with themes like that. The problem is that he's TELLING other metalheads that they have an obligation to NOT listen to it.

Either way, I'm not convinced that you aren't just playing devil's advocate here. You are not as sly as you think you are and I'm sure you're eating up the opportunity to point out that we both commented on his post because you're convinced we're part of this fictionalized unbreakable pact simply because we're friends. Get over the whole rivalry thing with her man. It's pretty transparent and pathetic and the only person who takes you seriously at this point is that oaf that I have on ignore. Omni has had mostly good things to say about you.

This was the particular thread I had in mind. A couple examples:

Most would agree that Christian themes have absolutely no place in black metal but what about Paganism? Paganism and its derivatives have become common lyrical themes in black metal over the years. Can it still be considered black metal if there are religious themes of any kind?

I'd be lying if I said I didn't lump bands such as Graveland, Falkenbach, Bathory (circa Blood Fire Death), and Enslaved under the black metal tag. Even so, I have always questioned whether Paganism was an appropriate theme in a specific ideologically based genre. What are your thoughts?

I feel like religion is better used in metal in a more story-telling format. Trouble comes to mind.

For the most part, I would say metal shouldn't ever have preachy religious themes. The only exception I can think of is Black Sabbath's After Forever. That's the only Sabbath song I can think of that moves into that territory, though.

Maybe you've changed your mind since then.

I don't see what's inherently wrong with taking the devil's advocate, but my point is more to make you realize that you and Helm have/had far more in common with each other than you think, on the subject of the meaning of art. You probably differ in terms of socially-enforced morality, but that's a different point and not fundamentally different from a person saying that one shouldn't take pleasure in LiveLeak gore videos or pedo furry cartoon porn. I don't agree with Helm that there is a significant fascism/right-wing-extremism problem nor that the consumption of sympathetic media makes one susceptible to adoption of said message (except possibly in the case of certain teens/young adults), but a person having a personal moral view that admonishes the consumption of certain forms of media is an extremely common one. Did you have any intent of discussing the content of his blogpost here or did you come here for validation?
More pathetic is when some edgelord ex-sidechick of Dodens that used to ego-masturbate philosophical musings over the genre-defining anti-Christian nature of black metal turns around and cross-board whines about some other guy's opinion on the internet insulting him after having his own opinion rebuked in a blogger's comment section.

17 pages
The fascist problem in metal is in the same area and with the same people it's always been with; the edgy bedroom black metal bands, often a one-man band, who just use shitty tin can black metal to air their politics because they're too moldy and limp-wristed to get a radio program or a podcast or whatever.

Nobody in metal takes those people seriously and to extrapolate a moral panic in metal from a collection of obscure autists taking photos of themselves with their daddy's butcher knife is retarded.

To further illustrate the benign "threat" fascist metal poses, non-whites listen to a good deal of that stuff too. Nobody is shivering under a bed because Adolf Negrohammerer decided to drop a new rehearsal tape with his pocket money.
Shame there's no lyrics on M-A. I'd like to see militant LGBT or feminist metal tbh, something about castrating men and things along those lines. They have to be brutal about it though, no post-Anthrax social-awareness preachy pussyfooting garbage.
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They're out there man. Pretty sure there's a band called Castration with "misandry" in their lyrical themes lmao. For the record I actually don't mind that Dysphoria record, some decent deathgrind TBF.

Hard not to cringe at a band with a song literally called "S.J.W." though.
524 outright racist metal bands on MA *does some math* is 0.4% of entries, and only half of them active. Breathtaking stuff.

Yea, sure... Ive been to hundreds of metal shows over the years, and you would probably get decked if you said or did anything that was outright racist (or probably yelled at by some nerd). Just look at the backlash that Phil Anselmo received/receives over being a stupid redneck. The people in which he is talking about are few and far between, and are likely dwindling in numbers by the day (rather than increasing as he suggests).

Just another product of the paranoid far-left. Metal has nothing to do with the current political landscape, nor is it breeding nationalistic beliefs or encouraging racism. A couple of isolated scenes may exist, but they are almost definitely without influence or consequence.

Agreed. Let's talk about those who actually have power and influence, ie those entrenched in governments around the world who pander to the racist vote.