Poetry of Subculture

I didnt even realize that part 2 of this guy's tirade was already out. I almost died of laughter when he started talking about romanticism.

And this:
blog said:
I think for every hundred metal bands that have made music that others then described as 'Nietzschean', there probably is one or two metal musicians that has actually read Nietzsche and probably near none that understood him as he would want to be understood. This is not a bug, this is a feature! It is, in fact, the life-saving feature of 'low' culture, that it is vague and ambiguous and confused about its own dramatic onset. Heavy metal came to be through sympathetic alchemy. That's fine.

But that shit happened in 1980 and we now have tools to understand ourselves.

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I'd like to see militant LGBT or feminist metal tbh, something about castrating men and things along those lines. They have to be brutal about it though, no post-Anthrax social-awareness preachy pussyfooting garbage.

WITTR describe themselves as "ecofeminist black metal," but they're definitely not militant. It's a proclamation in name only.

I will say, however, that Unleash the Archers have some badass feminist shit on Apex. No castration talk, but the vocalist does sing about matriarchs killing their sons to drink their blood. UtA are far from a political band, so it feels less HRC than REH.
Dude just spend a day Googling queercore bands. The music itself is repetitive noisetrash but it's militant as fuck.

Also, it's ironic that Ein associates female supremacy and murdering male children with feminism. ;)
Yuck yuck yuck.

To be serious though, I'd call those lyrics a form of expression, not advocacy (after all, Apex is pretty clearly a fantasy concept album).
This was the particular thread I had in mind. A couple examples:

Maybe you've changed your mind since then.

I don't see what's inherently wrong with taking the devil's advocate, but my point is more to make you realize that you and Helm have/had far more in common with each other than you think, on the subject of the meaning of art. You probably differ in terms of socially-enforced morality, but that's a different point and not fundamentally different from a person saying that one shouldn't take pleasure in LiveLeak gore videos or pedo furry cartoon porn. I don't agree with Helm that there is a significant fascism/right-wing-extremism problem nor that the consumption of sympathetic media makes one susceptible to adoption of said message (except possibly in the case of certain teens/young adults), but a person having a personal moral view that admonishes the consumption of certain forms of media is an extremely common one. Did you have any intent of discussing the content of his blogpost here or did you come here for validation?

This was the particular thread I had in mind. A couple examples:

Maybe you've changed your mind since then.

I don't see what's inherently wrong with taking the devil's advocate, but my point is more to make you realize that you and Helm have/had far more in common with each other than you think, on the subject of the meaning of art. You probably differ in terms of socially-enforced morality, but that's a different point and not fundamentally different from a person saying that one shouldn't take pleasure in LiveLeak gore videos or pedo furry cartoon porn. I don't agree with Helm that there is a significant fascism/right-wing-extremism problem nor that the consumption of sympathetic media makes one susceptible to adoption of said message (except possibly in the case of certain teens/young adults), but a person having a personal moral view that admonishes the consumption of certain forms of media is an extremely common one. Did you have any intent of discussing the content of his blogpost here or did you come here for validation?

I would say that all of the bands I mentioned in this thread fit the criterion I described in that thread. But yeah, that thread is 8 years old man. You don’t think it’s possible that I might’ve reconsidered my views since then? Either way, how is that even necessarily relevant and when did I say that metalheads have an obligation to stop listening to Christian metal? Straw-manning as usual.

And yeah, playing devil’s advocate is pointless since it doesn’t reflect your own views and is pretty much text-book trolling. You saw who posted it and decided to find a way to argue with me, or am I wrong? If I was trying to validate myself, I would’ve mentioned that I tried to start a debate with Helm (which you brought up, not me). I posted his article because I think it’s moronic.

I’d frankly be more interested in a response from him but posts like that are usually seeking validation, not debate
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