Poetry thread!

Heres a lyric ive completed somewhat, i do not take responsibility for you reading since you might be sick because of the suckiness :p

Verse 1:
A planet out of balance, condemned to eternal night
Lifetimes of treason, differences out of hand
Reason falls astray as primal insticts becomes the only way
Solutions out of reach, world deep under siege
The torch of war will glow
Chaos reigns!

Rage is now the order and battle is the way
Constant lies are ended, brutal truth to stay
One side are to remain, the verdict soon to come
The sky blackens..as the worldwide rampage goes on..

Verse 2:
They revel in darkness, enjoy the panic
Humanity is untamed as mass-Destruction begins
Messiahs of darkness fight for whats left As atrocity takes the throne
Solutions out of reach World deep under siege
The torch of war will glow
Chaos reigns!

Rage is now the order and battle is the way
Constant lies are ended, brutal truth to stay
One side are to remain, the verdict soon to come
The sky blackens..as the worldwide rampage goes on..

Ending verse:
Humanitys art of balance, as fragile as glass
As the chaos slowly ends the suns glow awakens
Slowly...eternal chaos becomes a peaceful tranquillity
Serenity is found..

ok it sucks but wtf im not a 22 year old james hetfield ;)
spellbound-by-the-bodom said:
hey lantern if i ever stop trying to copy nightwish songs and turn to thrash i'm gonna rip you off ;)
Hey, thanks:) So you think my stuff would make good thrash metal lyrics? I feel a little "ass-kissed" :) I thought I had written Korn lyrics! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Here are some of the best lyrics I've ever read (sorry for the ones who don't speak french). It was written something like 6 years ago by a guy named Arnault de Stael, who was then playing as a drummer in a band called Forbidden Site. I have to admit they are simply awesome. And so here they are :

Aurélia (it's the title of the track)

A Gérard de Nerval
"Ne m'attends pas ce soir,
car la nuit sera noire et blanche..."

L'édifice s'effondre
Et le ciel me condamne
A rejoindre la tombe
Que mes rêves profanent
Je sombre dans l'étreinte
ennivrante du soir
Comme on noie dans l'absynthe
le reflet d'un regard
Les flots lourds de la Seine
Accompagnent mes pas
Et le chant des Sirènes
Me fait glisser vers toi

Elle s'élève lascive
Caressant les nuages
Puis d'un geste dérive
Pour éviter l'orage
Qu'elle amorce en moi
Réalité futile
Ô délivre-moi
De l'angoisse et du vide

Le rêve s'entrelace à la vie
Ma vie s'entrelace aux rêves

Souffrance, épargne-moi
Ô mon amour
Que la mort soit douce, éternelle
Sous la nuit d'argent

Descends encor au plus profond
Où même les nuits se fanent
Afin que d'un rayon diaphane
Au sein du néant sur ton front
S'éclaire un nouveau lendemain
Brûle tes larmes divin poète
La peine sera pour ceux qui restent
Ouvre ton âme et prends ma main
...Viens !

Eurydice, un soleil s'illumine
Ô Béatrix, guide mes pas
Freya, divine reine
Je viens vers toi
Je viens vers toi !

"Ô mort ! Où est ta victoire ?"
Woooow, great lyrics!
Elles sont géniales les paroles d'Aurélia!!!
By the way, Stefan, your thrash lyrics are very good too, they DON'T suck!
This overall numbness after the relief
After the bleeding all emotions erased
Even my bloody muse went away as it seems
Along with the poison, did she leave my veins ?
I wish there was some toxic waste left in me
Give me some vile venom to vent creatively!
If only scraps of emotion remained within me
I’d express myself and stay alive
If only the faintest trace of love, hate or anything
Was still there...I wouldn’t want to die
I feel nothing, beyond empty, numb to the core
Even songs don’t seem to touch me anymore
After the bleeding all emotions erased
Is this the price I have to pay for relief ?
This is more of a slow depressive Fade To Black-ish tune called Mental Abyss:

In contempt im blessed with this sanity
Trying to escape my misery
Going emotionally numb, freezing from inside
Fading out of touch with humanity
Growing intimate with monstrosity
Deep shatters, visions of despair within me

My eyes an expression of darkness
My way a rotten apathy
Breathing and living in agony
Inner demons linger inside
Silently laughtning in my mental abyss

Their echoes i hear..
As my life falls to oblivion before even ending
Just a broken tranquil torment
Feeling shadows fall around me, the never-ending illusion
Wishing for an end now, not taking it anymore
Sleepless nights of horror, i need no more
My destiny is nowhere, i want to meet my end

My eyes an expression of darkness
My way a rotten apathy
Breathing and living in agony
Inner demons linger inside
Silently laughtning in my mental abyss
When I was little and had no sense,
I took a whiz on an electric fence,
It hurt so bad, it shocked my balls,
Then I took a crap in my overalls! :grin:
Evil_Ernie said:
When I was little and had no sense,
I took a whiz on an electric fence,
It hurt so bad, it shocked my balls,
Then I took a crap in my overalls! :grin:

Now this is poetry!!! :notworthy Let me try


Today I promised my self a future
today I promised my self a change
but when tomorrow became yesterday
things were all the same


She told me that she loved me
she told me that we shared
So hungover from tequila and lime
my nads were shaved and scared

Mas Tequilaste

Now something was not right in here
there was something in the athmosphere
She was a he and he packed some heat
and that was no fucking MAG LITE!!!

Nada mas tequilas

(nice catch frase eh?)
Gay enough for you all? :lol:
At ease I can only be
When the sky’s as grey as my skin
I can only create
When I am in constant pain
When my body’s covered in a revolting rash
And my soul’s about to lose control and crash
When a pathetic loser is all I seem to be
And everybody lost their trust in me
That’s when I suddenly light up
...as the morbid muse shows up
When my reality’s all razorblade
...and no salvation
When I’m fucked and the soul carnage
...goes on and on
That’s when crimson expressionism
Resurfaces within...PRAISE THE PAIN ! ! !
In the shadows I dwell, forlorn
Desperately longing... for you
(But something just ain’t right...)
Because I’m a mortal, an ordinary person
And you a metal god, outshining everyone
I’ll never be the one to hold you tight
I’m but lil’ Miss Front Row Suicide
I’m one in a billion poor girls
Barely worth more than dirt
(I’m not a star shining bright...)
Scars on my arms
Scythe through my heart
I’ll never be the one to hold you tight
I’m but lil’ Miss Front Row Suicide
Without asking me, that cunt named fate
Gave me a scytheliciousness injection
(Oh yeah that’s riiight... ! ! !)
Lethal poison ran riot in my veins
Now I’m hooked -o sweet addiction !
I’ll never be the one to hold you tight
I’m but lil’ Miss Front Row Suicide