
I think good poetry is not like what mehdi says "cut the crap". Just the opposite. Like telling a whole lotta things with three lines.

I like poetry, and I have a lot of favourite poems.
by the way, gwyneth paltrow will play sylvia plath (one of the best poets ever!) in a film soon to be released. i don't know if i should laugh or cry. :erk:

Abide in dust so that
ye may livith
and unto material dust
shalt ye convulseth into
natural fire.
Come forth configurations of
earth and formeth sky
in man's mind,
for woman being vague
not beyond thou thee born.
Forthwith cloud-wise
orange powder unto sunriseth
and maketh one.
Abide in dust therefore and be done.


*heh heh*
The Closing of an Orifice

The dissipated stench of death
with clothing bearing dissipated breath
from people breathing into sleaves
or coughing, the mouths the sleaves would sheathe
Or the front of the shirt,
when cars go by,
breathing into cotton
cause the fumes are rotton
and water in the eye
as they drive by.
The smell of the leaves
the sense it bereaves
and soon I'll be gone
and the park will be full
with the hundreds, or tens
of locals who party
by throwing their frisbees
a little too hearty
and they'll feed kids on disney
to pass the time
no more reading books
full of nursury rhyme.
The television is on
and the cigarette lit
and the nights are long
with coughing fits
as the kids use their sleaves
to cover their mouths
as their parents light death
inside their own house
and the sleave sheathe will capture
the kids caught in rapture
or maybe just caught
uncommonly short
stunted growth
rather gross
people smell horrid
their souls smell putrid
their eyes are bloodshot
their minds are stupid.
The drugs are relations
to death and sensations
and pop revelations
channelled reincarnation?
dancing with death yet
right on death's doorstep
having drugs while she's pregnant
is fucking ignorant
and the crack baby screams
and she'll just get adopted
to a family with a different name
self esteem maybe propped up
but for every good situation
a million are bad
parents natural and borrowed
make children all sad.
New adults come forth
from their childhood from hell
can't read or spell,
Social skills have fell
from the place that they dwell
or should, perhaps would
if the people on top
wouldn't be so damn greedy
but they won't stop.
And they'll light up the screen
and they'll put on a show
and the sight will be seen
Dark night... tv glows.
And the lower class suffers
on the smoke of their mothers
to supress the pain
and the shaking and strain
from the beating from daddy
who is off in his caddy
now someone else is suspecting
maybe they'll be expecting
and the child'll be mummy
at age 14 dummy
in the child's mouth
so it can't scream or shout
and the education goes on
the "mis" part grows strong
And they hate their own lives
cause they don't know how to change it
men beat their own wives
it's how we arrange it
emotional outburst
forgotten with a drink
and the outburst will get worse
when he can't think
and the child who's lucky that he's got a father
cries to sleep, cause daddy hits harder
than mummy or grandma or even the teacher
who's stupid as well cause they didn't even teach her
cause the wages are corrupted
and out of proportion
Government needs to be interrupted
and stripped of a portion
as the politician business man
makes his little business plan
Of doctors and lawyers he's a fan
And he'll do what he can
to increase his income
so the money will come
into his hands
from other lands
from gold and oil
great lands they spoil
and people they slaughter
no good drinking-water
so supply of rations
that's out of fashion
as the capitalist weapons shine
in the hand of the ruler
of a third world country
where the people are crueler.
But that's not right,
people are the same all over
all people are liars
like a 3 leaf clover
everyone is the same
they're all stupid and greedy
make the rich poor and the poor rich
soon you would all see
The pettiness of people
born into money
is the same as that in poverty
and it's not funny.
And it's not ironic
and it's not powerful
and it's not demonic
that's just how it is.
People are dying
being born, and killing.
For every one gone
another is willing
to fill the roles set out
by a history of lies
and a history of truth
that is full of goodbyes
for the endless truth is very near
there's no heaven or hell
we just dissapear.

--by Chris Marlton
sol83 said:
by the way, gwyneth paltrow will play sylvia plath (one of the best poets ever!) in a film soon to be released. i don't know if i should laugh or cry. :erk:

Whaaaaaat, Gwyneth Paltrow plays Emma in Emma and it's gooooodie :yell:

Sylvia Plath is fucking scary.
THE KID ---- by :Ai

My sister rubs the doll's face in the mud,
then climbs through the truck window.
She ignores me as I walk around it,
hitting the flat tires with an iron rod.
The old man yells for me to help hitch the team,
but I keep walking around the truck, hitting harder,
until my mother calls.
I pick up a rock and throw it at the kitchen window,
but it falls short.
The old man's voice bounces off the air like a ball
I can't lift my leg over.

I stand beside him, waiting, but he doesn't look up
and I squeeze the rod, raise it, his skull splits open.
Mother runs toward us. I stand still,
get her across the spine as she bends over him.
I drop the rod and take the rifle from the house.
Roses are red, violets are blue,
one bullet for the black horse, two for the brown.
They're down quick. I spit, my tongue's bloody;
I've bitten it. I laugh, remember the one out back.
I catch her climbing from the truck, shoot.
The doll lands on the ground with her.
I pick it up, rock it in my arms.
Yeah. I'm Jack, Hogarth's son.
I'm nimble, I'm quick.
In the house, I put on the old man's best suit
and his patent leather shoes.
I pack my mother's satin nightgown
and my sister's doll in the suitcase.
Then I go outside and cross the fields to the highway.
I'm fourteen. I'm a wind from nowhere.
I can break your heart.

Once when I was young, Juanito,
there was a ballroom in Lima
where Hernan, your father,
danced with another woman
and I cut him across the cheek
with a pocket knife.
Oh, the pitch of the music sometimes,
the smoke and rustle of crinoline.
But what things to remember now
on your wedding day.
I pour a kettle of hot water
into the wooden tub where you are sitting.
I was young, free.
But Juanito, how free is a woman?---
born with Eve's sin between her legs,
and inside her,
Lucifer sits on a throne of abalone shells,
his staff with the head of John the Baptist
skewered on it.
And in judgement, son, in judgement he says
that women will bear the fruit of the tree
we wished so much to eat
and that fruit will devour us
generation by generation,
so my son,
you must beat Rosita often.
She must know the weight of a man's hand,
the bruises that are like the wounds of Christ.
Her blood that is black at the heart
must flow until it is as red and pure as His.
And she must be pregnant always
if not with child
then with the knowledge
that she is alive because of you.
That you can take her life
more easily than she creates it,
that suffering is her inheritance from you
and through you, from Christ,
who walked on his mother's body
to be the King of Heaven.
Look into the wind, there are
clouds inside to penetrate the
pearl lovers;

our mountain appears and disappears
at random, krsna is at play again

peace is no happy collision or
murderous effect to soften
decayed fibers, only frenzy is
prescribed for mending our
chains of insulated guilt....

Those worthless fish in their
coats of bone and hair are
forever silenced by broken bottle
fisherman, tossed by dreams of
lampoil they peer into hollow

for the sexless bride
within whose layered
scales the nail of God

How is your reincarnated flight?
Is it misty, hardly shadowed?
Or molten hard from cannon bursts?

silken enemy mauler of our lightly
colored flesh, a gift of renewed
aerial Bodycages (on the inside)

You are speaking as the
light of heat dances on the
sky of darkness.
Alone, I cannot hear you.
I am distracted by the endless
dying stars. Life's bitter
anguish dissolves in an ocean
of cosmic gas and tears.
There will be new stars and
new life, beyond the void
of mystery. The earth, made
anathema by human coldness
and decay, releases its chains
of death across the winter
field of orange blossoms;
Frozen and strewn with bones.


The last time I burned wooden sticks
was out of love for the man who
throws axes
there we lay on her emerald furnace
in time for the touching of narrow
cinders, remote course of running
My curtain removed noncomposed palettes
of burning
Incords of moving metal destruction
surround cities launched in a circle lie.
Whole cosmos sliced-
Neptune too is a barrier
Named for human language
Where lines never express boundless
Soul awaken on a planet carved
from blue winds/
Orange sky

CUBA, 1962 ---by:Ai

When the rooster jumps up on the windowsill
and spreads his red-gold wings,
I wake, thinking it is the sun
and call Juanita, hearing her answer,
but only in my mind.
I know she is already outside,
breaking the cane off at ground level,
using only her big hands.
I get the machete and walk among the cane,
until I see her, lying face-down in the dirt.

Juanita, dead in the morning like this.
I raise the machete--
what I take from the earth, I give back--
and cut off her feet.
I lift the body and carry it to the wagon,
where I load the cane to sell in the village.
Whoever tastes my woman in his candy, his cake,
tastes something sweeter than this sugar cane;
it is grief.
If you eat too much of it, you want more,
you can never get enough.