Poland to Ban 'Satanic' Bands... Including Behemoth

WarLord Aden

Ziltoidia Attaxx!!!
Jun 30, 2006
Derbyshire, England
I just read this:

Michal Stangret of Poland's Metro reports that a
Polish anti-sect organization calling itself the
All-Polish Committee for Defence against Sects has
compiled a list of artists who allegedly "promote
Satanism" through their music. The list, which will be
distributed to various Polish officials in July, will
likely result in the artists becoming registered and
getting banned from performing in Poland.

"Until now it has been unclear which bands promote
these values, and therefore the authorities, unaware
of the facts, have allowed these kinds of concerts to
be organized, in the process giving these bands a
platform from which they could spread their dangerous
message. So we decided to help them," explained
Ryszard Nowak, who heads the All-Polish Committee for
Defence against Sects.

According to Nowak, hundreds of bands who have
performed in Poland over the course of the last 20
years have been evaluated before the final list was
compiled. Just exactly which artists will be included?
The document's creators are unwilling to reveal that
information just yet but it is almost certain that
BEHEMOTH, KAT and MARILYN MANSON will make the cut.

"The index will not only contain metal bands, but also
rock artists," Nowak explained, before adding that the
list will include any groups who promote Satanism or
encourage murder and animal sacrifice.

The document will be distributed to government
authorities and various other officials around the
country. Some of the local governments are already
looking forward to receiving it.

"Nowadays we rarely know anything about the bands that
are performing in our city and the list would enable
us to identify the dangerous ones much more easily,"
said Urszula Sienkiewicz-Nogal of the Bialystok city

"I don't think anyone with common sense would allow
concerts by any of the artists included in the
document to be carried out," she added.

"At the moment, when I see a poster of a suspicious
band in the street, I call the venue [to obtain more
details]. But obviously this simple method does not
always allow for the proper identification of bands
that promote Satanism," Mariusz Orzelowski from the
Siedlce mayor's office said.

According to the report, the document will also be
forwarded to the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of
Interior Affairs and Administration and to the
Minister of Education. What for?

"The report will be very useful, as we are currently
preparing an amendment of the penal code which also
includes regulations concerning sects and promoting
Satanism," explained Joanna Dabek on behalf of
Ministry of Justice.

"As soon as we get the document, we will pass it on to
the police headquarters," stated Michal Rachon on
behalf of Ministry of Interior Affairs and
Administration. He added that the report is going to
be a valuable instrument for the Ministry of Interior
Affairs and Administration since it is responsible for
gathering significant information on sects.

The existence of such a list will surely make
international headlines.

"This kind of document hasn't been compiled in any
other country," said Nowak. "Poland is the first
country to undertake such a task.

The document is going to be confidential and will not
be made public.

"We don't want it to fall into the youths' hands as
they could copy the practices we are describing
there," Nowak pointed out.

BEHEMOTH frontman Nergal had the following reaction
when told of the plans to release such a list: "I am
shocked; this must be some kind of joke. We've been
touring around the whole world — United States,
Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Russia — and we've not
had any problems anywhere. I am surprised that we are
being judged by our appearance and that no one even
took the time to contact us and ask us what our music
is all about. Other than that, come on — there are
enough serious matters to be dealt with in Poland! The
authorities would be better off spending their time on
things that really need to be improved and taken care

Personally, i think this is complete bullsh*t. Just another example of the stereotypes of metal that have come around these days...

"Shall we start a band?"
"Yeah OK, good idea"
"Right, i can play guitar pretty well..."
"Yeah, and i can play Bass.."
"We could get that boy we met in the pub on the drums"
"Yeah good idea, he sounded good..."
"I suppose i can do some pretty awesome growls, shall i be the vocalist too?"
"Yeah why not"
"I've got an idea, shall we wear these long leather jackets?"
"YEAH! they look awesome... and what about this make-up?"
"Haha! good idea!"
"So then, shall we go play at that gig in Poland that everyone's been going on about?"
"Fuck yeah!.. lets go"


"Shit, we're not allowed in this country"
"Oh, fuck"

:mad: ..Stupid ignorant people with power...
As both a Christian and a man of Polish descent, I disdain this act. It is a dreadful violation of the right of free speech, press and assembly. The Polish government must be run by some very conservative assholes who would rather strike down the liberal aspects of society than deal with the more important issues, as Nergal kind of said.

I will be in Poland next month and I will be wearing my Behemoth shirt. I'm confident I won't get any flak for doing so, because I'm sure it's the government that cares about banning these bands and not the interest of the common people.
Hmm... I live in a city situated about 100 miles from Wroclaw but my cousin studies medicine there so it won't be a big problem to be in Wroclaw in the beginning of July. So we will probably meet up Zeph. :)
Hehe I imagine saying Nergal something like "I live in a nicely fucked up country". Sadly Poland does things that other country would never do. :erk: