Poland to Ban 'Satanic' Bands... Including Behemoth

Not everyday you get a chance to meet someone you know half a world away, especially someone who likes the same bands you do.

I was talking about the censorship. What else would I be talking about in this thread?
It's quite stupid really but never surprising. I mean, those bands aren't bothering them in the slightest, but they always seem to make it a problem for themselves.
It's quite stupid really but never surprising. I mean, those bands aren't bothering them in the slightest, but they always seem to make it a problem for themselves.

What do you mean?! That evil metal music corrupts the youth and makes them stray from the one true religion and turns them into murdering psychopaths! FACT!!!
So what if Nergal is gay? Who the fuck cares?

liek omg teh frontman of my favortite band is teh gayz! omfg!
liek noes. i arent gay. no homoz!

But I know several gay people and they are all nice people. One is a good friend actually