polished pop rock with real drums.... my best mix ever!!


Jan 4, 2010
produced these guys' last record in 2010, they recently recorded some new songs with the dude from motion city soundtrack (can't remember his name!!) and they hired me to mix/master/edit the sessions.

all natural drums (minus a handful of copy/pasted hits for consistency), and my first master with ozone5. really pleased with this one!


https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17308974/BRIDGES ozonefinal04.mp3

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17308974/GROW ozonefinal05.mp3

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17308974/GROW ozonefinal01.mp3
Sounds veery good dude. Vocals are a bit dry for my taste. In fact I think the whole mix could use a bit more of a less-dry vibe I'm thinking saturation but maybe reverb could really bring it together.
sounds awesome to me! is this farewell fighter by any chance? sounds an awful lot like them!

yeah man it is!! shit this stuff isn't supposed to be released so please be a champ and don't share it anywhere outside of this forum!

in regards to the dryness, it was specifically requested; my original flavor had more verb on the vox and drums. any tips on warming up the vox a little without verb?
A little smashed overall for my tastes, esp the guitars in the intro lack dynamics. I'd like less hats and the snare to be more upfront. Less pumping would rule too. Agreed on the vocals being too dry but bands want what bands want.

Any info on the guitars? They sound fucking awesome for this style. Love the single-coil twang. Whole band reminds me of a more positive version of The Spill Canvas.
haha right on man. and cheers on the last record too! that was all done in my old apartment with no good preamps or anything... we did get some cool tones tho with the reinhardt/bandmaster combo.

i don't know exactly what they used for this stuff as they tracked it with motion city dude in chicago. lee said they used a number of amps including a marshall bluesbreaker and an old silvertone on a lot of the leads. i did a fair bit of equing with the waves api 560 and compressed all the guitars on the bus with the 2500, other than that i think they were recorded with a royer ribbon... great tones all around.

jeff, cheers for the words; the smashing and general mastering was decided on by the band... they wanted it as loud and saturated as possible to match the last record. although the transients aren't as beefy as they could be i was still pretty impressed with ozone5.
Don't like the snare, that needs body and less snap imo, and the mix is pretty smashed as Jeff already said but it sounds goods tho. Guitars and vox need some 'wider' vibes... personal taste I guess.
legit advice btw folks, think im gonna make a few changes based on yall fine people's words before i send the final WAVs! taken a few days off from this stuff and definitely have a fresher mindset... will update with newer mixes soonish lml
That api2500 on the gtr bus sounds like it could be suspect IMO - maybe try out CLA3a if you have it on there, or a softer, more SSL style comp? I love the shit out of that API comp (especially for drums), but it's not something I'd think of throwing on the gtr bus.

And that's fucking hilarious that I commented on the last one specifically for the guitar tone, too. Go figure. I love single coils.
that's whats up jeff!! thanks for the kind words on both threads :D

gonna fuck with some comps on that gtr bus now, will be posting some updated masters later today.