Politics in Metal

Kiss It Goodbye is very anti-authority, singing about killing cops that infringe on freedom and such. Awesome band.

Dayinthelife... is anti-gov't and anti-corporate greed, singing about killing their boss at work. melodic hardcore here.

Or you can always get Bodycount's debut. haha
commandante said:
ok, so basically can you recommend me some left-wing/anti-government bands? I am pretty ignorant about those kind of bands...

the swedish grindcore band nasum is the only one that comes to mind. not much into politics myself
Nasum is one of the best bands in existence right now. Get any/all of their albums. You might as well start with their newest, 'Helvete'.

A lot of grindcore is political. The stuff that isn't political is about ripping entrails out your ex-girlfriends cunt.