POLL: Best Movie Trilogy Ever

The greatest movie trilogy of all time is....

  • Star Wars: Episodes IV, V, and VI

    Votes: 10 22.2%
  • Indiana Jones: Raiders, Doom, Crusade

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Lord of the Rings

    Votes: 20 44.4%
  • Rambo

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • The Karate Kid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Night / Dawn / Day of the Dead (George Romero)

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Jurassic Park

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Godfather

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • Fistfull / A Few Dollars / Good, Bad, & the Ugly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Die Hard

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Evil Dead

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Back to the Future

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • The Matrix

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wait! You forgot to mention...

    Votes: 2 4.4%

  • Total voters
WOOHOO! Lord of the Rings at 100%!!! :) To me there is no better story, and even if Peter Jackson's version isn't completely faithful, he still made some awesome movies. No, I haven't seen part 3 either, but we all know it shall rule... ;)

Evil Dead and Star Wars are pretty close second places though.
It's gotta be Lord of the Rings. I'm not a betting man, but I'm pretty sure that the third installment will seal those flicks as the best trilogy ever.

The Dollars and Romero Dead trilogy are pretty consistent too. The Evil Dead would be up there, but Army of Darkness was definitely a dipping point...it wasn't that bad though.

The other movies have maybe two great episodes, but are always let down by their "Godfather 3"...

Return of the Jedi - let's face it, it was the worst of the three, and the fucking Ewoks should all be doused in petrol, set alight, and catapulted out to shark infested waters.

Back to the Future - Was that cowboy episode really needed, and does anyone even remember part 2?

Last Crusade - Sean Connery playing Harrison Ford's dad? It wasn't bad, but it was easily the worst of the three IMO.

I even think that in the big scheme of things, the Matrix sequel sucked dog balls. It was just continuation of FX, and no story line. I though X Men 2 was a better sequel....so I don't have high hopes for Matrix 3.

Oh yeah - I forgot the TERMINATOR and RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD trilogies....oops.
I gotta go with the majority here, LOTR!!!

Indiana Jones came very very close behind.

Almost put Die Hard, but the third really kinda sucked. I personally think that Bruce was a terrorist, like really how can one be in the wrong place at the wrong time that frequently(sp?).
Missed Leathal Weapon even tho it became 4 piece set.:Shedevil:
Weapon X said:
Missed Leathal Weapon even tho it became 4 piece set.:Shedevil:

No way man - anything after three movies is no longer counted! Then you would have to include Rocky, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm St, Friday the 13th, Jaws, Iron Eagle, American Ninja, Phantasm, and tonnes more straight-to-video cheapies.....too many.

Did I miss the Cannonball Run trilogy? Was that a trilogy? All those Burt Reynolds car chase movies blur into one after a while....and he's only worth remembering for Deliverance, Boogie Nights, and Mean Machine anyway.
livingdead_girl said:
You just can't beat a good romero film. Once the next one is made (which should be soon) it won't be my fave trilogy :(

Dead Reckoning. Hope Romero gets Savini back into what he knows best - the last 30 minutes of Day of the Dead made movie history. Although I want this next film to be his crowning achievement, I have a bad feeling that it's going to suck...they just don't make them the way they used to, as proved by 28 Days Later and Resident Evil.

And the last thing Romero did was Bruiser....
Should've thought about it a bit more and gone for Lord Of The rings, but I guess Die Hard needs to be represented somehow :D
JayKeeley said:
Dead Reckoning. Hope Romero gets Savini back into what he knows best - the last 30 minutes of Day of the Dead made movie history. Although I want this next film to be his crowning achievement, I have a bad feeling that it's going to suck...they just don't make them the way they used to, as proved by 28 Days Later and Resident Evil.

And the last thing Romero did was Bruiser....

We shall see Savini has already been talking about this movie at conventions saying his doing the make up. They have all the funding they need and John Carpentar said he will even help out as well, so we shall see what will be the final product.
Black Winter Day said:
i read on www.homepageforthedead.com that the working title was now LAND OF THE DEAD. kinda gay, imo. almost like it would have goofy looking dinosaurs in it.

Did you mean www.homepageofthedead.com ? There's also another site: http://www.thewebofhorror.com/romero.html and they have a great review of the recent Day of the Dead DVD re-release.

I don't mind the name 'Land of the Dead'. Back in 1985, I heard a rumor that this fourth one would be called 'Twilight of the Dead'....

...either way, both sound better than Dead Reckoning, ugh.

I do like the fact that John Carpenter is coming on as exec producer and assisting with the score. But my god, can you imagine if they got Goblin back in?

Romero rules.
Black Winter Day said:
yeah, it was homepageFORthedead. my bad.

huh?! :zombie: you mean OF, not FOR, right?

I went with the crowd and chose LOTR, although Romero trilogy and Evil Dead were close for me. LOTR is so current though, and there's no inconsistencies among the three parts because they were made and the same time. That was genius.
JayKeeley said:
I'm waiting for someone to confess their love to Ralph Maccio and The Karate Kid.

But there were four Karate Kid movies.

I'm shocked that nobody went for The Godfather yet....

Am I the only one who never gave a crap about these movies?

As for all of you suckas voting for LOTR... if you make rules and tell people they can't vote for series of more than four movies, then you can't vote for LOTR. Facts are facts, as of right now, there are only two... count 'em two movies. That's no trilogy. Ressurect this thread in December and you'll have a leg to stand on. :)

And on that note, while I loved the first one, Jackson has alot of making up to do for Two Towers. I'm reasonably confident that with the extended edition of it and the release of Return of the King, he will do just that, but it still has to be done.
bloodfiredeath said:
But there were four Karate Kid movies.

You count that Hilary Swank shite as a Karate Kid film? I guess....she's got nice jugs too when she doesn't look like a man.

And on that note, while I loved the first one, Jackson has alot of making up to do for Two Towers.

What didn't you like about it?
Well I had to vote for LOTR. It is by far the best trilogy ever made. I cannot vote for The Godfather as I only like part 1 and 2. Part 3 is awful, what did they do to Diane Keaton's hair? It looks like a skunk ran up her leg and sought refuge on her head!

I throught 'Two Towers' was exceptional.