Poll for 2003: We're halfway through!


Top 2002 album that you're still listening to the most: tie:PARADISE LOST "symbol of life" (I'm like, the last american PL fan here...) and AT THE GATES "slaughter of the soul(re-issue with bonus)" -you just can't beat this album.

NEW great album of 2002 (but you've only just got round to hearing it for the first time this year!!): none


Most surprisingly good album of 2003 (one which turned out to be much better than expected!!): fucking ENTOMBED "inferno" it totally renewed my faith in entombed...

Most disappointing album of 2003 (one which turned out to be much worse than expected!!): katatonia's "viva emptiness" sure it's good, but I hate tool...jesus they're even name dropping pearl jam...

Best live performance: I guess more recent is sepultura and voivod...

Overall worst album of 2003 to date: Metallica.

Overall favourite 2003 album to date: ENTOMBED's "inferno" and TYPE O NEGATIVE's "life is killing me"...
Top Ten 2002 album that you're still listening to the most: uh. . . Opeth's Deliverance, probably

NEW great album of 2002 (but you've only just got round to hearing it for the first time this year!!): Arcturus' muthafuckin' The Sham Mirrors. I ought to kick the people at metal-rules' asses for giving this such bad reviews. Maybe a mafioso style hit would work better, get rid of them clean and quick so they don't infect the minds of many more with their tasteless drivelling they call reviews (not to say they are ALL bad, but I can never forgive them for this. . .)


Most surprisingly good album of 2003 Katatonia - Viva Emptiness. Where the hell did this come from??? Masterful. . .

Sonata Arctica - Winterheart's Guild. I typically hate power metal, but this is very good.

Most disappointing album of 2003 : Figure Number Five. . . come on guys, you can do so much better than this. . .

Strapping Young Lad. . . see above

Best live performance: Opeth!!!!!

Overall worst album of 2003 to date: nothing really all that terrible that I've heard. . . I only listen to the stuff I like, the rest I ignore!

Overall favourite 2003 album to date: lots. . .

the new stuff from:

Type O Negative
Devin Townsend
Green Carnation
NEW great album of 2002 (but you've only just got round to hearing it for the first time this year!!):

Screw whatever I said earlier, my vote is now:

Impaled - Mondo Medicale

I can't stop listening to this 2002 gem!
Black Winter Day said:
Arcturus' muthafuckin' The Sham Mirrors. I ought to kick the people at metal-rules' asses for giving this such bad reviews.

Heh, if you're looking for power metal reviews and interviews, go to Metal Rules. They definitely have that market cornered - especially on their year end top ten lists....nice bunch of guys, but their reviews can be way off at times. I can thank them for my Primal Fear and INRI...:Puke: