Poll: Which bands should return?

Select 3 Bands to Return

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My picks: Threshold, Vanden Plas and Pagan's Mind.

Threshold because I haven't seen them yet and I enjoy their most recent releases quite a bit (and judging by their DVD I'd like the live show too). Vanden Plas and Pagan's Mind both kicked seriously ass at PP IV and I just can't wait to see them again.
I voted for PAGAN'S MIND, VANDEN PLAS, ORPHANED LAND. In my humble opinion i think two is enough, but if a band who hasn't played since like PPIV, and will be releasing a new CD next year, and with a new singer, and are very interested in playing again, then the number should be incresed to 3 and maybe four.
Brainstorm, Vanden Plas, and Zero Hour.

I also think 2 is a good number of return bands, but wouldn't be opposed to see more on occasion. It would be hard to put together a lineup that I wouldn't want to see even just a little.

I also LOVE the idea of a 10th anniversary "special" show where you invite back all the bands that have been the biggest crowd favorites. That would be really cool.
Damn, that was tough, especially since the #1 band I want back, Nightwish, is not on the list. They have not disbanded and should have a new cd out before PPVIII.

So, under duress, I voted for Vanden Plas (DEFINITELY!) and Therion.
In the third slot I could easily put in any of these at equal level:
Pagan's Mind, Secret Sphere, Orphaned Land and Brainstorm

I wouldn't mind more returning bands then two.
AMBR said:
Damn, that was tough, especially since the #1 band I want back, Nightwish, is not on the list. They have not disbanded and should have a new cd out before PPVIII.

So, under duress, I voted for Vanden Plas (DEFINITELY!) and Therion.
In the third slot I could easily put in any of these at equal level:
Pagan's Mind, Secret Sphere, Orphaned Land and Brainstorm

I wouldn't mind more returning bands then two.
Nightwish is my favorite PPUSA band ever! I sure hope they return next year, if at all possible.:headbang: :kickass:
2-3 repeaters is cool...as along as the repeaters get mixed around as well. Not just the same 2-3 every other year ;)

FWIW...I voted for Pagan's Mind, Redemption & Vanden Plas. 3 bands that Scott has not seen yet....and 3 bands I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see again. (who do I gotta bribe around here?) However if I could have chosen more...I'd have added Zero Hour & Threshold to the list...and Superior...those boys slayed!

Coldie of the Shadows
It's reasonable to say at this point that there is a mandate from the majority that Pagan's Mind and Vanden Plas return to play at next year's PPUSA festival. What say you, Glenn?
One band that I noticed isn't on here is Adagio... and their new album is one of the best of the year. I might have voted for them if they were on the list.
I would say minimally 2 repeats and maximum 3-4 repeats depending on availability and time between performances. Superior, for example, played so long ago that they are not a repeat for many of the current attendees.

Bill Wrightson
Harvester said:
45 voters is a bit of small sample size for me to go by. Let's see how this thing looks after a few days.

Kudos to Glenn for keeping a good attitude about polls like this. I personally would be pissed because, to me, these threads all translate to "I am so disappointed with THIS year's lineup that I want to start a thread about the NEXT ProgPower."

To each his own.

I am just happy to get the chance to see three days of great music every year! I have been puzzled by a couple of Glenn's choices--but almost all of them have ended up kicking my ass.

Oh and Shame on ZOD for not including Dreamscape!
General Zod said:
For what it's worth, I voted for Vanden Plas, Redemption and Zero Hour. Had I cast a 4th vote, it would have gone to Brainstorm.

I voted for VP as my #1 choice, followed by Pagan's Mind, and Jag Panzer. Had I selected a 4th it would have been Nightingale. I probably listen to Nightingale these days about as much as any other band. I basically like all of their stuff.
