Poll: Which bands should return?

Select 3 Bands to Return

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edgeofthorns said:
I voted for BOP, Brainstorm, Jag Panzer, Pagan's Mind, Redemption, Silent Force, Tad Morose, and Zero Hour.

I can't believe I'm the only one to vote for Balance of Power! Come on people, Corey Brown is with them now!

Good poll Zod!

Pagans Mind, Silent Force and i voted Balance of Power

and i think a 2 per year every other year rule would be cool
sccaldwell said:
Personally, while I like seeing new bands (looking forward to Wastefall, for example, and Circus Maximus kicked my ass last year), I also love seeing bands I've seen before.

Let's face facts here. Outside of ProgPower USA, our chances of seeing most of these bands is virtually nil, unless you're willing to travel long distances (ie. Europe in many cases).

This is all true for me as well. I don't mind repeats at all, though new blood is important to the festival. Personally, I think repeats from the first 3-4 PPUSAs would be best. It's been a long time now, and they'll be hungry to play the states again, while the fans will be hungry to see them again.

In all seriousness (the above being serious, but I know it's a dream), if you decided to do an "all repeats" festival sometime of the best-liked previous performers, I'd recommend dropping it to 8 bands and give everyone 1.5-2 hour sets. We liked 'em before, so longer sets are justified for the "openers," and fewer bands should help make it more affordable to do, too.

That's a damn fine idea too.

FWIW, my picks are Spiral Architect, Redemption, and Orphaned Land, and I would also happily vote for Nightwish, Nightingale, Zero Hour, Threshold, and of course Pain of Salvation (if they ever decide to come back to the US).
Harvester said:
I'm also curious to know what everyone thinks is the maximum number of repeat bands per year I should have. The current goal/rule is two.
I don't see why there can't be a few more than two in some years. It's eventually going to be very hard not to bring back repeat bands.

Harvester said:
I'm also curious to see what the backlash would be if I booked a larger returning contigent (say a 5/5 or 6/4 split) for 2007. Hell, it may be easier to put together an all-star show next year than PP USA X based on circumstances coming into play. For example, 2009 may turn into this year where I just can't get who I want while I know I could get them in 2007.

On the flip side, I have no doubt that there would be a very vocal reaction against that as well as they want "new blood" which I completely understand.

This job is hell sometimes....

I think the more years the festival goes on, the more complex this becomes. I mean... it's probably easier when planning ProgPower IV to say "Ok, I don't want more than 2 bands that have played one of the 3 previous festivals". But after a while, it becomes harder to judge. I don't necessarily think it's the best idea to strictly limit yourself to a specific number of repeat bands... it might make more sense to put together a potential lineup for a given year, and before you actually book all the bands, take a step back and see if the lineup looks like it's too "repeat heavy". Also, if you're planning ProgPower XI in the future, and you bring back someone who last appeared in ProgPower II, should that even be considered a repeat? Perhaps if a band hasn't appeared in 5 - 6 years, they should no longer be considered a repeat? Then again, there could be new bands on the scene in 2010 that didn't even exist in 2001. Decisions....
I voted for Threshold, Jag Panzer, and Wuthering Heights.

I did not vote for bands that I figured had a good chance of repeating regardless of the poll results, like Redemption :)

In terms of the number of repeats, my answer is: as many as needed. If you can pack a stellar line up with no repeats, great. If you create a line-up of 50% repeats but it's a stellar lineup, that's good, too. Not everyone will have seen all bands before. I voted for Threshold because I want to see them again. I voted for Jag Panzer because I'd like to see them for a first time.

The whole repeat performer concept gets fuzzy anyway when you start considering people vs. bands. We saw Andy Frank twice in two years. But was that a "repeat"? Would Bloodbound be a repeat of sorts? What if you brought back a band who played before but had less than half the original members? How much of a repeat is that? What if Dan Swano came back as Nightingale but with different band members and a completely different set list? How much of a repeat is that?

So what I'm saying is the actual number of "repeats" should vary according to what makes the best line up.

Nightingale, because he is a true musician.

Orphaned Land, because omgah they blew me away, :). I wouldn't bring em back until they have a new album though (which should be in time for PP8 wink wink )

Actually, that should be part of the rules (maybe).. if it is a returning band, they need to have come out with a new album since the previous show.

And ya, I think 2 should be the max returning. My favorite aspect of PP is seeing new/unknown/up-and-coming/mucho potential bands.
Orphaned Land
Pagan's Mind

These three were pretty easy choices for me, they're by far my favorites out of the non-headlining returning bands. If headliners were included I'd have to add Nightwish, Symphony X, Blind Guardian, Rage, Kamelot and PoS.
Harvester said:
I'm also curious to see what the backlash would be if I booked a larger returning contigent (say a 5/5 or 6/4 split) for 2007. Hell, it may be easier to put together an all-star show next year than PP USA X based on circumstances coming into play. For example, 2009 may turn into this year where I just can't get who I want while I know I could get them in 2007.

On the flip side, I have no doubt that there would be a very vocal reaction against that as well as they want "new blood" which I completely understand.

This job is hell sometimes....

Like I'm going to skip the festival because of returning bands! :heh:
There's a lot of people who would love to see a PP III calibre line up.
If you can do an allstar lineup like that, I say go for it!
