Poor children

"Some slime that crawls out of this soup and becomes a man" seems more probable then "God let one rip and there was life.". :Smug:
I don't really care about his insane religious beliefs. It's his perversion of science and the fact that he's teaching his kids this garbage. "listen children, all the worlds smartest people are in cahoots to make us shy away from god" *head desk*

To me it's a form of child abuse, mental abuse. Dam asshole!
This guy is the laughing stock of youtube. If you're are not familiar with Geerup, he basically gets made fun of all the time, like this:


On a slightly related note, here is another funny video done by the crazy british guy :lol:

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I love how he says "a leap of faith to believe evolution as fact". I though that is what religion was.

Its sad that some people believe that god is 100% fact and any small hole in science incomplete and therefore not fact, where people actually believe a story in a book before the discoveries of the world and universe that surrounds them. Actually we call these people schizophrenic.

EDIT: got up to the two and a half minute mark and he is indefinitely a schizo. Evolution the fairy tale for adults, and that god gave us adaptations to survive in this world so to give our lives more meaning, that science is a fraud because is says that we are nothing but animals (zOMFG how dare they say that) and we are accidents having no meaning on this planet and that our lives will mean nothing when we end.

Jesus fucking christ religion really is a plague. Hitler should have vowed to destroy religion for Science rather than try to terminate the jews
coughlan's last vid was funny as fuck.

Altitudes, I definitely know who Geerup is. I'm even subed to the guy for the lulz. (that particular vid pissed me off) I was first introduced to Geerup when he took over venomfangx's channel. Crazy, the two of them.

"Exploding Lizards" hahahahahaha never saw that idiot before.