British political leaders are so much more eloquent, intelligent, and reasonable than American political leaders. I appreciate their calm, collected response as opposed to the fanaticism that was immediately voiced in the US. I think Bush at least avoided the topic of God in his statement subsequent to the bombing, which was nice and considering he had to make it quickly afterwards, maybe it was actually genuine, both the sentiment and the avoidance of religion. Then again, maybe he realizes his audience is the British, not the religious right. On the other hand, I understood why Al-Qaeda would attack America for our overwhelming christian religiosity and our overall cultural conflict in introducing our so-called sinful nature to the countries of the middle east in our decadence and our pursuit of oil, but why England? To reduce support for the US? Why the common people? Why not bomb the G8 if you want to make your impact felt, hurt the leaders? We might vote in our collective republics, both the US and GB, but if they really think they can scare us into voting against policies and leaders that would remove us from their geographic region and political spectrum, they are wrong. They are underestimating our greed for oil and our penchant for vengeance. Maybe I'm nuts, but all terrorist bombings have ever done is make me feel less bad for any civilian casualties that occur in the middle east.
Right now, I can't figure out who I hate more, terrorists for bombing London or our government for being so completely in bed with the petroleum industry that they are willing to sacrifice lives and a period of world peace to get oil instead of diversify thier company and come up with plans for alternate energy sources.