Pop punk-ish band I recorded...


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Recorded a little 3 song demo for some kids from around here (all like 15-17 years old), performances were less than stellar :erk: and they have no vocalist so it's just instrumental, but I thought I'd throw it up here anyways... There isn't a heck of a lot of processing on anything really, just the basics... This is actually the first time I've mixed anything other than my own stuff so it was sort of interesting to try, I'm still a complete n00b so it's nice to finally get a start :kickass:


Recording info:
Snare 50/50 Slate/Natural
Kick 70/30 Slate/Natural
Toms 100% natural

Guitars are double tracked into a TS7>Single Rectifier, settings something like:
Vintage mode
Bass: 11 oclock
Mids: 11 oclock
Treble: 12 oclock
Gain: 1 oclock

Mesa Standard cab, SM57 point very slightly off axis between the dustcap and the cone, angled towards the cone

Bass is Ampeg SVX
I'm digging the guitar tone u got out of it. What guitars were they using? What settings on the rectifier? I think the drums could be a little more processed, a little meatier, a little more punch. BUt think you did a great job with what was given.
Settings are in my first post :p Guitars used were originally a cheap LTD EC model and some sort of custom vintage looking double cutaway with god knows what pickups in it... But somehow on the final recording the guitars ended up being my Carvin DC127M with stock pickups, wonder how that happened? ;) Shhhh!