pop song!

I dig everything but the drums. "pop" stuff needs IMO fuller, less attack heavy drums to really sit in the track. Also I think darker drum tones overall would be better. However, everything else sounds golden.
Haha, not bad! For some reason I wasn't expecting that. The only thing I would recomend would be to space teh guitar parts that you have panned in the center so that they don't clash with the vocals. The vocals could also use a tiny bit more "simmer":ie, just brighten them up a bit.
I agree with the comments on the drums. For pop music, the drums have a lot less attack, and in comparison to metal drum mixes they seem dull in general (in other words: less high end on everything). The kit sounds like something for death metal, haha. It seems to work fairly well, however to get a "true" pop drum sound I would ease up on the compression for the snare and dull the entire kit down just a bit. Guitars sound great dude. Vocals sound great, bass sounds great. Really good job man.

That's actually probably it. I did it too when country bands would come into the studio and their kick would end up in the vicinity of the Pantera kick, :lol:.

i think its good. what did you use for vocals? mic, pre , and reverbs?

the mic was an akg perception 200, preamp was just the ones on my focusrite saffire. i actually forgot to put reverb on the vocals and they came out a little too dry sounding as a result, the only inserts on the vocals was compression eq and autotune