Pope gon' die!

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
Apr 1, 2005 — VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope John Paul's condition was "very grave" on Friday, the Vatican said in a statement, adding that the Pontiff had suffered shock and cardio-circulatory collapse.

Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the Pope had been given the Holy Viaticum — communion reserved for those close to death — and had decided himself not to go to hospital for treatment.

The statement said the Pope had received cardio-respiratory assistance on Thursday and on Friday morning was still "conscious, lucid and tranquil."

Fuck the pope and his stupid hat. Can't say I wish him ill will, but I won't be sad when he croaks. Just another hat will take his place anyhow.

I want to watch The Godfather now. :Smokedev:
please don’t try this at home, or without direct Imperial supervision!


MANILA (AFP) — Seventeen people were nailed to the cross in a macabre reenactment of Jesus Christ’s suffering and death on Good Friday in Roman Catholic Philippines.


Dozens of Filipino men wearing hoods over their faces and crowns of thorns also flagellated their backs with whips tipped with shards of glass and blades to atone for their sins.


Ruben Enaje, 45, who played the central Jesus Christ character, was nailed on the cross for the 19th year Friday. He said it was his way of atoning for his sins and for thanking God for his blessings.

that smarts

Enaje’s face contorted in pain as the nails were driven to his palms and feet. He was made to hang in the cross for nearly 10 minutes before being pulled down as a throng of tourists gasped in disbelief.

He was later rushed to an ambulance.

You are insane. Everybody, keep this fad of Philippino copycat crucifixion in mind next time people start complaining about the horrible effects of Grand Theft Auto and Beavis and Butthead on impressionable young minds. It could be a lot worse.
What exactly has the Pope done that makes his followers WORSHIP him. Some Catholics treat the Pope as if he were greater than Jesus, the person their whole religion is founded on.

I don't really give a rats tit if the Pope dies. I'll sleep just the same either way. I also didn't care when Princess Diana died. What the hell did she do that was so amazing? Did she invent sunlight of something? I was pretty pissed about Dimebag dying, though. At least he did something that mattered to me.

Dimebag > the Pope


Dimebag > Princess Diana
dill_the_devil said:
LOL - can't imagine seeing 'Christian Mythology Inspires Copycat Crucifixions!' as a Daily Mail headline anytime soon...

That'll be the day! :D